Cartoon Network Finn And Bones

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Cartoon Network Finn And Bones

number 15. captain planet the show formally known as captain planetand the planeteers, was an animated series that ran from 1990 to 1996. the show features5 teens that have been blessed with certain abilities, who much work to protect earthfrom natural disasters and attacks. the second major villain to appear on the show was namedvillainous scum, and his named suited him

Cartoon Network Finn And Bones

Cartoon Network Finn And Bones, quite well. scum’s most notorious act wasdone in the episode titled “mind pollution” which dealt with the crushing issue of drugaddiction. even today this issue seems a bit heavy for a children’s show. scum got linkaand her cousin boris addicted to a drug called “bliss”. toward the end of the episoderight before being saved boris dies, from

an overdose. in this scene bandages of somesort can also be seen on boris’s arm. this episode went down as one of the darkest inthe series. aside from a death on a children’s show, which is usually frowned upon anyways,it was caused by a severely adult problem that most children might not fully grasp. number 14. dragon ball z the imperfect cell saga of the dragon ballz series follows cell through his attempts to gain power. the saga features a particularlydisturbing episode where an innocent man is killed. even despite the series’ high actionscenes full of violence and occasional bloodshed, there was something about this scene thatwas a bit extra unsettling. cell punctures

the man and begins to absorb him, the mansface shows clear agony as he groans in pain and there’s a horrible gurgling sound goingon all the while. the man becomes thinner and thinner until he is just a mound of deadflesh lying on the ground. number 13. my life as a teenage robot this show followed the life of a teenage robotwho was struggling to keep the world safe and also manage to be a normal teenager. thisidea of normality is emphasized in the episode raggedy android and the return of raggedyandroid. in the first episode dealing with this exo-skin jenny, our main character, wantsto visit a town fair. however, her scientist mother fears that the people of the town willbe afraid of jenny, so she creates this exo-skin

that’s supposed to make jenny appear asa normal human girl. this plan is a complete failure as the skin is more terrifying thana robot would be alone, and the town freaks out even more than her mother originally thought.the raggedy ann knock-off is actually pretty creepy. the attire resembles something you’dfind in the back of your great-grandmothers closet as you rummaged through her home afterher death. the follow-up episode is slightly more disturbing, though. jenny’s motherhas made some adjustments to the exo-skin so that it actually serves its’ purposein making jenny not only normal, but very cute. again, though, things go horribly awrywhen the suite gets a mind of its own and basically possesses jenny. it forces her todisregard protecting her loved ones at the

sake of staying pretty, and even attachesitself to her in her sleep. as if this idea isn’t creepy enough, the voice of the raggedyandroid is smooth and creepy, like a narration of a horror novel and the stitch line thatworks as the mouth is located on the back of jenny’s neck. this alludes to commonhorror themes where someone hears voices from the back of their own head. number 12. billy and mandy the grim adventures of billy and mandy isa cult favorite that follows two siblings through their adventures with the oddly comicalgrim reaper. the show ran for 5 years from 2003 to 2008 and was packed full of otherworldly adventures through the living, the

dead, and a couple stops in between. despitethis show including the grim reaper as a major character and regular visits from those livingin the spirit world, the one of the creepiest things to ever happen on the show didn’tinvolve grim nor his spirit friends. it was an isolated event that dealt with billy’seyes. in episode 15 “my peeps” billy damages his eye sight by looking directly at the sunand playing too many video games. he refuses to see a doctor of any kind so grim, fed upwith his stubborn ways, zaps billy’s eyes with his scythe. things seem great when billyhas the best vision possible, but things get weird and creepy after that. he begins haveglimpses of the future, and more specifically, glimpses of gruesome, haunting things happeningto his friends. he sees irwin severely injured

from a bike ride, pud'n gets fatally crushedby an elephant and he even sees mandy's decapitated head on the table. grim makes the attemptto set his eyes back to normal by zapping them over and over again. by the end of itbilly is lying on the floor with live action eyes pasted onto his face. the concept ofseeing your loved ones tragically die, in the addition of the generally offsetting animationstyle of his eyes toward the end, this episode is pretty discomforting. number 11. my little pony this animated series has been running since2010 and has gained a mass following of fans. all kinds of people aged 2 to 47 love theshow. the internet has actually become a burial

ground for the cute vibe the show gives off,as there is a ton of inappropriate and even terrifying fan created content floating aroundon tumblr and deviantart. however, the show actually contains it’s own real, terrifyingmoments. terrifying for a kids show that is. in the episode “party of one” pinkie pie,the most fun pony of them all, throws herself a huge birthday party. things start to getweird, though, when none of her friends can make it to her party and she begins to havea party all on her own. what starts out innocent enough with pinkie pie making inanimate objectstalk as if they’re alive, becomes much darker when these objects really do talk on theirown and convince her that her friends don’t deserve to come to her parties anymore. pinkieenters a state of near belligerent rage as

the piles of rocks and bags of flour laughmanically with her. number 10. the marvelous misadventures offlapjack this animated series that ran on cartoon networkfrom 2008 to 2010 is actually very well-known for it’s dark and rather disturbing humor.nothing changes the fact that some things on this show would’ve meant pure nightmarefuel for an unsuspecting child. it’s no news that now-a-days parents don’t monitortheir children’s tv watching like they used to, and a kid could plop themselves in frontof the screen for an afternoon of imagination and instead be met with satanic characters,zombies, and ghost cats. through all the truly disturbing things to occur on flapjack, thecreepy cat has gone down as one of the tops.

gifs, vines, and much more have floated throughthe web since this episode premiere, and no matter you’re age it’s a bit unsettlingto think of this being shown on cartoon network. though the cat might not be too scary to olderviewers, consider the mind of a child and the way it could twist this into somethingin their room at night. the episode titled "who let the cat out of the old bag's house?"was the 44th episode in the final season, and it showed the car falling from the ceiling.the regular illustration of the cat is not all that flattering to begin with, as it isgray and wrinkled, looking pretty lifeless already. but the close-up of the cat showsterrifying empty eye sockets and a rounded mouth full of razor sharp teeth, it’s alsoaccompanied by an agonizing cat moan, which

if you live in a neighborhood full of strays,you’ve probably heard before and it’s very unpleasant. again, this scene was probablythe cause of several children running into their parents rooms in the middle of the night.this was a pretty close runner for “pun times with punsy mchale” which feature aderanged master of puns, screaming into flapjacks face as if face turns colors and his voicebecomes increasingly more demonic. the voice of this character, as he shouts, is indeedpretty disturbing, yet another bit of nightmare enhancement for the kids that tuned in. number 9. adventure time this series that follows a human boy, finn,and his magic dog, jake, first aired in 2010.

it has since risen to fame amongst many agegroups and there’s a huge following of fan fiction writers. adventure time has been knownto push the limits a few times in its series, with zombies and undertones of dirty jokes.however, it never seems to go too far off the path of what’s appropriate for kids.except for this character, the lich. the lich is a demonic being, or possibly the mutantresult of an atomic bomb, who has appeared in several episodes throughout the series.though the fight scenes between the heros and the ghoul are never too gruesome, thelich as a character is pretty terrifying. his face is a skull exposed by torn away flesh,he has horns, glowing eye sockets, a huge stature, and a deep growling voice. prettymuch that last thing you’d want to fight

in an underground subway. during one episode,finn has a nightmare in which his friend billy’s face falls away to expose the horrible skullof the lich. when it comes to terrifying cartoon characters, the lich might not be number 1but he’s definitely up there. add his creepy appearance to the idea that kids have imaginationsthat run wild and make simple things 10 times more terrifying, and this is literally a kid’sworse nightmare. kids have common fears about bad things happening to their loved ones,so the lich is like a scary embodiment of that fear. he wants to destroy the universeand subsequently everything in it, including the parents and siblings of the viewers. prettymessed up, right? number 8. tom and jerry

this cat-mouse duo has been around since the1940’s and is a common household name today. the antics started out as short films thatlead to several spin off series and shorts throughout the years. the clich㩠cat chasingmouse skits are a classic type of funny that captures children’s attention as they don’thave to keep up with confusing dialogue. this beloved animation that started as a simpleform of entertainment for children, took a dark turn at least once in its on-screen cat blues was a tom and jerry short directed by william hanna in 1956. the episode hasit’s first dose for creepy as tom narrates the entirety. it’s a pretty common ruleto not have tom and jerry speak during the shorts, however since it was a narration therule is still followed because tom is not

physically speaking. he narrates the storyof how his girlfriend left him for a richer and more attractive cat, and despite tom’sefforts he was unable to win her back. through the episode, the same thing happens to jerryand the duo is left in a state of depression. jerry joins tom on railroad tracks and thescene ends with the two looking solemnly toward the ground as the train can be heard drawingcloser to the pair. this was, of course, implying suicide. there’s a rumor that claims thiswas the last short of tom and jerry ever made, aside from the spin-off series’ but therewere actually several more shorts created after this one. because of the dark and heavynature of this short, it has very rarely been aired on american tv but was aired many timesin other countries and regions, and slipped

through the cracks once on tnt and cartoonnetwork in the early 90’s but producers for the channels likely realized their mistakeas it was not aired again. number 7. steven universe this heartwarming series first made it’sway onto the airwaves in november 2013 and has already taken off quite well. there’sa huge fan-base ranging in ages, and the “gems” from the show are the target for several cosplayers.the show is filled with strange monsters, magical lands, and a very spunky young boy,so things don’t get out of hand too often. however, there’s one particular characterthat struck fear into several viewers. a nearby concession known for it’s fries is ownedby mr. fryman and his two sons. one day his

younger son is wearing the mascot, frybo,constume. steven sets things into a whirl when he uses a magical gem to bring the mascotsuit to life, and the creature begins terrorizing people of the city and forcing them to eatfries. there’s a demonic possession -slash- zombie feel tothis living costume that makes it pretty terrifying. frybos huge fake smile, reddened eyes andpure violent nature is something out of a classic horror. at one point in the episodefrybo is stabbed in the eye, he bleeds ketchup and falls to the ground. while the generalis playful with only a hint of intended horror, the actual episode is pretty trippy and just wouldn’t expect something on this show to get so dark.

number 6. the powerpuff girls what kind of list would this be without him?the flamboyant and disturbing depiction of the devil from a children’s show about littlegirls who save their town! him is a red skinned demon, that could very possibly be the devilhimself, who has giant claws for hands, big black boys and a truly haunting voice. althoughhim is not very scary in appearance his constantly echoing voice and general creepy aura is enoughto freak every view of the past decades out a little. an especially freaky scene of himwas in the episode “tough love” when he uses his powers to make the people of townsvillehate the powerpuff girls. him is in the tub enjoying a hot bath while basking in the ideaof no one liking the girls anymore, he is

mocking the town with his haunting voice whenhe begins talking to a small rubber duck. he goes on a rant about hating the girls andas he does on his voice gets deeper and more eerie. with his voice dropping an octave here and there, there’salso strange musical sounds in the background that resemble sound bits from modern horrormovies like insidious that give a review of this scene and even more bloodcurdling air. number 5. sesame street this educational kids show has been on theair since the late 1960’s, so it’s a show that parents can share with their childrenand even grandchildren. through the years

there have been some controversial clips hereand there, but for the most part sesame street has strayed away from anything to damagingto young minds, as it aims to help those minds grow, not to hurt them. this clip was mostlikely not intended to be as scary as it is, but it came out to be something quite chillingover the years since it’s release. a short playful clip during the show that aimed tohelp children learn to count wound up being a heavy dose of bad dreams for kids everywhere,even today people that see this clip can feel something rather off about it. it’s uncertainwhen the clip originally aired, but it features a rubber band face that’s voiced by an olderman who likely lives in a mansion with 13 ghosts, strange noises as the numbers flyby, with even weirder noises in the background,

and a pretty much otherwise black screen.there have been many altered versions of the counting skit throughout sesame streets’years on air, and a vast majority of them are almost as creepy as this one, such asa similar bit with african masks in relation to the numbers. maybe there’s some psychologybehind scaring kids into learning. number 4. hey arnold this classic 90’s cartoon about a footballhead boy and his gang of friends was often a very calm type of comedy that never seemedto upset or outrage its’ viewers. however, this clip from the episode part-time friendswas enough to at least give them shivers. the episode features arnold and his best friendharold getting a part time job at a flower

job, but they end up in a bit of a disputeand aren’t friends. arnold has a bad dream about him and harold well into their 70’s,still fighting about the silly issue. they’re sitting on a bus and the camera pans backto show arnolds grandpa mocking the two. he’s either on the brink of death, or has beendead for quite some time as his appearance is pretty lifeless. his eyes are sunken into the point of him almost having empty sockets, and he’s about two steps away from beinga pile of bones. in a very fragile and ghostly voice, his grandpa says “what did i tellyou, short man?” and then laughs until his jaw falls and crumbles off his face. number 3. catdog

this 90’s classic was about two brothersthat were a cat and a dog, and somehow shared a body. it first premiered in 1998 and isstill a fan favorite today. in this particular episode “teeth for two” they find outthat the dental hygiene of one will affect the others’ teeth. dog, of course, has horriblehabits as far as eating and brushing his teeth goes. though cat tries his best to get dogto take better care of his mouth, dog does not oblige and cat becomes very the middle of the night when the pair are sleeping, cat somehow reverses himself andcomes out of dog’s mouth, as a mass of muscle and flesh. it’s a pretty terrifying image,even with the context. it’s a very gory scene, even for the standards of 90’s cartoons,and to imagine waking up to something like

that in the middle of the night, if you didn’ttake better care of your teeth? pretty unsettling all around. number 2. ren and stimpy this sometimes too adult animated series followedthe daily lives of ren hoek [hoe-eck], a small and slightly demented chihuahua and stimpson.j cat, a simple minded cat known as stimpy for short. the show made its first premierein 1991 and stayed on air until its’ cancellation in 1996. there were several moments in thisshow that were a little controversial as they were seen as too dark or too sexual for children.among those many famous clips, the most disturbing of them has to be when ren goes on a murderousrant, in the episode “sven hoek”. the

episode features ren’s cousin sven comingto visit the pair, but he turns out to be just as stupid as stimpy and this immediatelyannoys ren. one day on his visit, after ren is already close to fed up with his and stimpy’santics, ren heads to work. when he comes home he finds the house nearly destroyed, withall of his personal possessions tampered with and even broken. in a fit of frustration,he goes on a tangent where he explains what exactly he’s going to do them. this rantincludes ren saying “i’m going to tear your lips out, that’s what i’m going todo” as he shakes uncontrollably and sweats in his enraged state. this isn’t the firsttime ren has spoken of murder. in fact, there’s an equally creepy scene where he stays upall night planning to kill stimpy, but the

language in this one is much more blatantand detailed. number 1. courage the cowardly dog if there’s a place on a disturbing cartoonlist, courage will always take first place. this dark-comedy cartoon actually had a shortrun from 1999 to 2002, but that was plenty of time for this generation of kids to bescarred for life. as anyone in this age group and they’re sure to tell you that couragefreaked them out as a kid, and still might today. there are numerous terrifying episodesand characters in this series, such as the episode “the mask” which features a ghostlywoman wearing a painted mask, forcing courage to help her friend who is in an abusive relationship.or the episode freaky fred which features

the creepy barber with a huge crooked smileand an unsettling theme song. everyone who was an avid viewer of the show will have theirown opinion on the scariest character, but the one that has to take the cake is fromthe episode titled “perfect”. courage is constantly making mistakes when a teacherapproaches him, she is the embodiment of courage’s own insecurities and does her best to teachhim to be the perfect dog, but of course things go way off track and courage learns the valuablelesson that there’s no such thing as perfect. of course though, as tradition in this series,courage is lying in bed when he starts to doze off and sees this ghostly cgi characterfloating in place saying “you’re not perfect” this character is most likely an embodimentof everyone’s self-doubt. the animated is

disturbing in the way it moves and in thethings it says, but it’s voice has the power to haunt you for about 20 years or more.

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