Dish Network Login To My Account

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Dish Network Login To My Account

hey whats up guys i'm thiojoe and todayi'm going to teach you an awesome trick that the cell companies definitely don'twant you to know and that is how you can trick your cellphone into giving you unlimited cell data no matter what carrier you're onand it will also work on any cell phone that you might have and it's so simpleyou probably won't even believe it until

Dish Network Login To My Account

Dish Network Login To My Account, you try it yourself in this video i'm going to explain whatyou need how to do it and why it works as well so stay tuned it's surprisinglyeasy now first the most obvious question ishow could this be possible

most cell phone companies no longeroffer unlimited data plans and of course they track how much data you're usingand this is true but we can actually trick the service into thinking that youhaven't used any data at all you see cell phone companies keep trackof how much data you're using in the following way: whenever you download a document ,fetchemail, stream video, or anything like that your cell phone downloads that file andthen records how much data was used in that connection. after the download iscompleted your cell phone sends a tcp data packet back to the cell trunk inthe service containing information about

how much data you just used for thatfile which is called a "file report". but knowing this if we were able to somehow blocked thefile report from being sent back to the cell company it would look like to themthat you didn't download any data at all even though you did download that filesuccessfully. now you may be thinking how can we blockjust that file report without blocking everything else? well it turns out that file report isactually sent from the phone on a separate frequency that's not used byanything else

so we just need to find something thatwill block that single frequency which is possible and that's exactly what i'mgoing to show you today. now to do all this and get the unlimiteddata you're only going to need three things. first of all your cell phone ofcourse, next your cell phone case, and finally, bear with me, yes a roll ofduct tape. i'll explain. it turns out that whenproperly placed and configured, duct tape has the exact properties required toabsorb the frequency used by the file reports which happens to be 9.01kilohertz. now i'm gonna explain all the science behind this which might getpretty technical so if you just want to

get right into the tutorial i totallyunderstand you can just skip ahead past all thetechnical stuff. so why don't we get into some of the funscience stuff. now based on several scientific studies that have been doneon duct tape specifically regarding the absorptionpatterns for electromagnetic frequencies we know that in the one were concernedabout duct tape has a transmission value of about 0.001 . this measurement wouldhave been done with a tool called a spectrophotometer but basically all you need to know isthat the duct tape is going to block

99.9% of thesignal used by the phone to send the file report. we also know based on several publishedtests and reports by bill gates himself while he was developing windows, thatmost network parity systems require at least 70% of an originalsignal to reconstruct any missing parts so if the duct tape is blocking99.9% of it, there's no way that signal is going toget through. the reason this happens and that the duct tape is able to block thesignal is that when the frequency is sent out by the phone and tries to passthrough the duct tape it induces a tiny

electromagnetic field in the duct tapeitself. because duct tape is an insulator this field is obviously going to beminuscule but it does create what are called eddy currents which areessentially small electrical currents that exist within a planar materialsuch as a piece of tape instead of a wire. as the phone tries to send thesignal it may detect that it's not getting through and is being blocked,which means the phone may try to send it at even higher power. but as that higherpower is amplified the eddy currents within the duct tape are also amplifiedfurther strengthening the blocking abilities of the duct tape, so nothinggets through, no matter how strong the

phone broadcasts. now this special property that exists inthe duct tape is because of the hexagonal lattice of the tapes adhesive but we're not going to go that deep intothe science today unfortunately. the short summary is that duct tape is ableto block a very small number of random frequency bands, most of them useless, but 9.01 kilohertzis one of them and we could take advantage of that. there are actually afew other materials that are able to block the 9 khz spectrum butduct tape is by far the cheapest and

most convenient unless for example you want to go outand buy some pure strips of platinum. so by now you're probably ready toactually do this and despite my long-winded explanations it's actually very simple so why don'twe go over the table and i'll show you whatyou have to do. alright so once you have everything together your duct tape thephone and the case all you need to do is create a strip offolded duct tape that's about the same size as the phone

so let me show you what i mean. now letme find the end of this, and scissors will always help. so take out a piece of duct tape and wedon't want it to be covering any of the cell phone camera or flash and this isnot going to go directly on the phone we're actually going to fold it. so if wefold it about this long... that should be ok. so now you can seeit's long enough to cover most of the phone but it's not going to cover theflash or the camera. and we can actually just cut that right now and put it inthe case to make sure... perfect length. so now this is going tobe covering a majority of the phone but

not the important parts. now this is all that's requireddepending on the thickness of your case in your phone, this might be the only thing that'sgoing to fit, but if you can add more strips and layers that will always makeit more efficient, so it might work better if you add more layers. so let'sjust add a couple more layers and we can just do that by putting it on like thatand folding it over just like that so we have about five or four layers right there.and then all you have to do is stick that in the case

so it's not covering up anything and putthe phone in there and if it's too thick you can use less layers but that seemsto fit okay. well it'll work for the purpose of this video, probably need totake off a couple layers but you get the idea either way do not attach the tape andstick it right on the phone it'll just make a mess that's difficultto remove and it's not necessary so you always want tofold it of course and that's all you have to do. ok now after that your cell phone is nolonger sending file reports to your

carrier so they don't think you'reactually using any data. now unfortunately there's no way to tell ifthis worked until your next bill comes and you can see the data usage, so don'tgo downloading tons and tons of gigabytes until you're sure it's working. also keep in mind your cell phone in thesettings may still show the actual amount of data you're using but it won'tcount because it's not actually being sent to the carrier to be recorded. asyou can see in my cell phone bill here it shows that i used zero gigabytes in thepast month so there was no charge, even though inreality i actually used quite a bit of

data as you can see here in my phonesettings. finally the best part about this trickis it's not software-based so it cannot be patched by the cell companies. thecell phone file report frequency is determined at the time the phone ismanufactured. so the only way the cell servicecompanies could fix this is if the cell manufacturers were to change thefrequency going forward and because this is such a widely adopted standard that'sprobably not gonna happen anytime soon. so there you have it you can now getunlimited cell data no matter what carrier or phone you're using and ireally hope you guys found this video

helpful. let us know down in the comments sectionmaybe what carrier you have and whether it worked for you and also if you foundthis video helpful be sure to give it a thumbs up so i know you liked it. if youguys want to keep watching i've got some other videos on the righthand side i think you'll enjoy those you can just click those or look in thedescription for the same link like if you're on a phone. and if you want tosubscribe i make new videos at least three times aweek so i think it should be worth it. i'm looking forward to hearing from youguys either here on youtube or on

twitter so thanks for watching i willsee you next time have a good one

At the end this articel Dish Network Login To My Account

happy ending articleDish Network Login To My Account at this time, hope can give good information for every one who visit to my blog. See You in another my Post

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