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Fox Sports South Dish Network

mickey mantle came up, put his arm aroundme and said, “come on kid, step in here and take some swings.” he was the mick’s protã©gã© and later, hisclosest friend. bobby richardson: on all those occasions,mickey and i talked about the things in life that really mattered.

Fox Sports South Dish Network

Fox Sports South Dish Network, yankee legend, bobby richardson on life inand out of pinstripes. plus, he was muzzled by political he’s speaking out about censorship. juan williams joins us live on today’s 700club. well, welcome to the 700 club. wall streetand also main street finally got some good

news on the economy today. the unemploymentrate fell to 9.1 percent as the economy added 117,000 new jobs. that could lead to a rebound in stocks. that’ssomething investors have been hoping for after the market has plunged in the last few weeks.efrem graham has the story. the recent string of reports, showing theeconomy has come to a virtual standstill, have taken their toll on the markets, withsell-offs driving down the dow more than 10 percent. the u.s. economy is losing momentum. it showsup in the numbers. investors see those numbers and they think, and i think for good reason,that it's time to move to the side lines.

the average 401k saw a loss of more than $11,000.the stock market has now given back everything it gained this year, even after congress reacheda deal to raise the debt ceiling. there isn't much washington can do right now.and even if there was, there isn't much trust that they will do the right thing. this is bigger than washington. much of theselling has been triggered by concerns of the growing debt crisis in europe, especiallyin italy and spain. and here at home, there is worry that the economy may stop growingaltogether. investors now believe there's a real highprobability that the economy will go into another recession.

manufacturing fell last month, consumer spendingdropped for the first time in almost a year, and unemployment numbers aren't improving. even when there are jobs, people are willingto relocate to get those jobs. but they can't do that, because they can't sell their homes. however, interest rates are also falling,which could mean lower mortgage rates. and the price of oil has fallen to its lowestlevel in six months, which means cheaper gas prices. both of those are good news for consumers.efrem graham, cbn news. well, welcome news for the economy with thejobs report, but let’s be cautious. i like saying let’s all be cautiously optimisticabout the future. well, lee webb has the rest

of our top stories from the cbn newsroom.lee. gordon, three republican presidential candidatessay they will support a narrowly written pledge against gay marriage. mitt romney, michellebachmann and rick santorum have all agreed to the statement created by the national organizationfor marriage. it supports a federal marriage amendment. it defends the federal defenseof marriage act known as “doma,” and supports the appointment of federal judges that opposea constitutional right to gay marriage. romney had declined to sign that pledge but laterchanged his mind. it was created by the family leader, a conservative iowa organization. a heat wave, still scorching much of the u.s.the national weather service has issued heat

advisories for 14 states now from new mexicoto north carolina. the high temperatures are causing people to turn up their air conditioners,creating a record demand for electricity. in texas, rarely used power plants are beingopened just to meet the demand. some oklahoma residents are being asked to set their thermostatshigher to conserve energy. officials there are trying to prevent rolling blackouts. thehot weather is expected to continue, though, through the weekend. tomorrow, thousands of americans will respondto a call by texas governor rick perry to gather and pray for the nation. it’s somethingthat hasn’t happened in modern history in this country, but perry says america needsgod’s help. jennifer wishon is in houston

now with more on what to expect. this is governor rick perry, and i’m invitingyou to join your fellow americans in a day of prayer and fasting on behalf of our nation. it’s called "the response.” saturday,houston’s reliance stadium will house americans from across the country gathering for a dayof praise, solemn prayer, and fasting for the nation. more than 8000 plan to attend.rev. samuel rodriguez calls it “a national convocation.” and if this nation will repent, seek god,then we will see and seek and find the solution that we need to so many of these issues thatwe are confronting.

the event is unprecedented, not necessarilybecause of size of the crowd expected, but because it’s an elected leader, the governorof one of the largest states in the union, rick perry, who’s leading the charge. (interviewing):what will you personally be praying for on saturday? i'm going to be praying for our country'seconomic prosperity. there are just so many people that can't take care of their family,because government's over taxed, over regulated, over litigated. it’s caused roadblocks toeconomic prosperity, and i don't see any relief in sight. the freedom from religion foundation fileda lawsuit to stop gov. perry from sponsoring

the event. a judge threw it out, but the criticismhas continued. i daresay he's used the time right here inthis building to promote this thing and to advertise it. i can't imagine that he's justdoing this at home, and on the weekends and at nights and so forth. perry has also been accused of using the eventto catapult his expected bid for the republican nomination for president, something he denies. this is me, just me, private citizen rickperry. as i take that stage, yeah, i'm going to be the governor or texas, but this is aboutme and god. it's not about the agenda of the donkey orthe elephant. this is a gathering about the

agenda of the lamb. those who can't attend can watch it streamingonline. people as far away as indonesia say they’re logging in. we think it's gonna be a powerful event thatwill help us really get this country back on track again through the power of prayer. the event starts at 10 o’clock. it wrapsup at 5:00 with prayer for the nation’s youth. jennifer wishon, cbn news, houston,texas. and, of course, cbn will be providingfull coverage of that prayer rally. gordon? i think we should all join in with what’sgoing on here. we should all spend tomorrow

in prayer and fasting if you choose to doso. if people from indonesia can join with us, if people from around the world are concernedabout america, and they’re saying we need to pray, how much more so should christiansright here do that. you can watch it online; you can join that way. but you can also justjoin on your knees and say, “it’s time to pray.” and let’s pray for america.terry? well up next, he was fired for his on-aircomment about muslims. prize-winning washington journalist juan williams shares his side ofthe story, after this. still ahead . . . . . . . . he was the mixed protã©gã©.

and later, his closest friend. on all those occasions, mickey and i talkedabout the things in life that really mattered. have you ever heard the expression “goodas gold?” well, gold is on everybody’s minds these days, and rightfully so, havingrisen in value dramatically since 2001. for years now, i’ve been singing the praisesof one of the most recognized and trusted names in gold, swiss america. they believe,like i do, that people need to know what’s good about gold. gold has withstood the testof time, and so has swiss america. now is the time to rediscover gold, because goldoffers diversification, profit, potential, and best of all, privacy. call or visit onlinenow and ask for the pat boone dvd, and they

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combo pack. next week . . . . . . . . a dental student by day. a drug dealerby night. i really thought that i could kind of livea double life, and have my drug life along with my school life. watch what happens when worlds collide. right behind me under the counter was allmy drugs. they really caught me red-handed. plus . . . . . . . . a live performance from darlene zschech.monday, on the 700 club.

in an ideal world news organizations are supposedto present a fair and open discussion of the issues facing our country. but sometimes themedia does just the opposite and stifles debate. freedom of speech is an inalienable right.protected by the first amendment of the constitution. it's a basic privilege bestowed upon everyamerican except in the world of politics and journalism. prize-winning washington journalistjuan williams knows this all too well. williams was publicly rebuked and fired by nationalpublic radio after comments he made on the o'reilly factor last year. if i see people who are in muslim garb, andi think they're identifying themselves first and foremost as muslims, i get worried. iget nervous.

it's a feeling juan says many americans experiencebut may be afraid to admit. in his new book, muzzled-the assault on honest debate, thecurrent fox news analyst sets the record straight on how both liberals and conservatives usepolitical correctness to squelch debate and push their agenda and on what he says is themore serious issue of intolerance. juan williams joins us now from washington.juan, welcome back to the 700 club. good morning gordon. it's always good to seeyou. let me ask you a provocative question. ifyou had said, “when people talk about jesus, i get nervous. would you have been fired?” no. i think that they felt somehow that thiswas politically incorrect at this moment to

speak this way about muslims. to me, it'sjust crazy that they seem to feel that i was a bigot, gordon, and that i was somehow expressingsome kind of bigoted attitude when, in fact, all i was doing was telling the truth. i havethat feeling at airports. it wasn't an opinion. i wasn't endorsing any discriminatory action.but when you asked about jesus, that was interesting to my mind; because you know, right now gordon,people don't talk about it, but there's a woman up in seattle, a political cartoonistby the name of molly norris. she said, “wait a minute, we can draw caricatures of jesuschrist in this country. you can say anything you want about christians, but why can't wehave a “draw mohammad day,” to make a caricature of mohammed? and she was besiegedby so many death threats, gordon, that she

is still in hiding more than a year later.i just think it's an outrage that that's not a constant burr under our saddle. how canthat be in our country? well, your book points it out. you said themedia is actually stifling the debate. we're all being muzzled. how so? well, you know, it's so interesting to me,so many people—i see this all the time. people say to me, they bite their tongues.they feel like they can’t speak honestly about so many issues, that yeah you can hearthings on the radio or the tv and, of course, from hollywood with their whole pornographicextreme profane culture, you can hear people shout the worst things. but in terms of peoplein the middle, gordon, like here we are talking,

trying to have an honest conversation. ifwe bring up something like race relations, gordon, you as a white man might have to say,“well, i don't know if i should say that. i don't want to be misinterpreted. i don'twant to be called a racist, or a bigot,” right? and then for me, i don't want to besaid to have a chip on my shoulder. “if i bring this up, is gordon going to think,‘oh, he’s just only focused only on racial issues.’” people don't feel like they'recomfortable just speaking their minds and trusting in themselves, and in the broaderlight that you, gordon, really hard genuine we interested in trying to understand me.i'm trying to understand you, and we’re trying to come to a common place. and, ofcourse, in politics it seems like all the

money these days goes to politicians who saysomething rude, extreme, outlandish. and, of course, in washington in the recent debateover the budget ceiling, i saw the other day that 72 percent of americans said, “thatwas just ridiculous. why can't these people talk to each other? why can't they make acompromise?” well, it seems the political rhetoric hasbeen ratcheted up, and i'm actually worried as we get into this latest political seasonthat we’re going to see even more of this and attempts to really divide the nation.and whether that's on class rounds, economic grounds, racial grounds, we're going to seereally heated rhetoric coming out. are you concerned about that . . . .

yes. . . . . and if so, what's the path back? howdo we get back to civil debate? well, you know, i'm very concerned about itgordon. i think you're exactly right in terms of looking forward to this 2012 campaign.what we see, and what we know is that right now the politicians look like they are ina constant campaign mode. they don't stop and say, “okay, enough of the campaigning,enough of the rhetoric. to the contrary they think, “we're constantly campaigning. we'reconstantly raising money.” and to that extent, with they do is they're always blaming eachother. they're always screaming out rude things at each other. and they think this is effective,because we know that if you run a negative

ad, if gordon says something terrible aboutjuan, then everybody remembers that. they're not going to pay attention to the substanceof the actual debate about the law or how it affects our country or brings us closerto our families and friends. they're going to say, “oh, he says something negative.”it's like gossiping. so, they now take that into debate in the congress, and they spendall their time being so rude. they don't get anything done. i worry as we go into thisnext election, there's going to be so much mudslinging, so much stuff that says, “oh,obama is terrible. he's this, he's that,” as opposed to paying attention to real policydifferences with this president and questions about, as you were discussing earlier, oureconomic future in this country. and then

the obama team is going to be slinging mudback and saying, “it’s not just about president obama. it's about whatever or whoeverrepublican is running,” and they're going to try to make that republican less appealingthan president obama for the voters as they go to the polls. how do we come together on this one? it usedto be that you would refer to president obama as—if he were still in the senate, he isthe “distinguished gentleman from illinois.” and that just seems to be completely gone.there just doesn't seem to be that. you knew it was coming at you as soon they said “distinguishedgentleman,” get ready, because there's going to be a pretty good argument at the end ofthat. but at least it was civil. we're not

seeing that. we're not seeing that in thepolitical debates. we're not seeing that in any of the political ads. at the end of thepolitical season, how do you then govern? well, that's the thing. they never reallyget to governing, because they're always campaigning; they're always raising money. i think thenthat money becomes their be-all and end-all, and i just think that's corrupt. i think youhave to love your country and love your family and friends and community. love god. i thinkthat's what it's about, and if you put that first, if you have a sense of priorities inplace, i think it opens so many doors for you, gordon. you asked about how do we getback to civil discussion. i think that's the heart and soul of my book, because you'vegot to be able to listen to other people,

even people that you think you disagree withor people who may be different than you are. because you got to see that light within themand trust that, you know what, these people are sincere, and i'm going to give them thebenefit of the doubt. at the moment, everybody is just so quick to call names and to notgive anyone the benefit of that doubt. so if you listen to the other side, if you considertheir perspective, then you get to know about other people, and then it's not just aboutbeing a member of your club or my club for my race or your race, or whatever, or my church,it’s about, wait a second, there’s a broader community, broader interests. yes, i'm goingto take care of my own, no doubt about it, but i also want to hear what other peopleare thinking about other lives. so, if i'm

listening, conservatives always complain aboutthe new york times, hollywood, npr, about me being muzzled like i was. on the otherhand, liberals complain about conservative talk radio is so strong, the wall street journaleditorial page is so strong. you on the internet. people tend flock to sites that confirm theirpre-existing points of view. i think we've also got to look elsewhere and say, “what’ssomeone else saying? how are they thinking? if i'm living out in the suburbs, what's akid coming from a single home in the city trying to make his way, what's his lifelike?how is that child growing to be a full, great american? does he have an opportunity?”we have to have that sense, and i think we have to in our personal lives but also interms of our politics, just be open to others.

gordon, i know it just sounds maybe a littlenaã¯ve and simplistic to you as i’m speaking, but i really believe that's the way it is. i think it's great. there's the old adage“god gave us two ears and one mouth for a reason.” i like that. we need to spend a little more time listeningand listening intently to what the other side has to say and see if we can’t find somecommon ground. well, the book is muzzled-the assault on honest debate. it's available instores nationwide and also on the internet. juan, thank you for being with us.

have a great day, gordon. thank you for havingme. thank you. terry. well, up next, the man who was at mickey mantle'sdeathbed. i received a call; he’d taken a turn forthe worse. walked in to baylor medical center, he had a smile on his face. he said, comeover here, i can’t wait. hear some of the mick’s final words fromyankee legend, bobby richardson. that's next. this is the information retailers don't wantyou to know, especially now. they don't want you to learn just how much money you've beengiving away to retail markups on items you purchase for your home, all because you don'tknow how to buy like the insiders do at directbuy

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gotta go dish. i want dish network. let’s watch tv. with dish network, get free hd free for and switch to dish network today. this week on 700 club interactive. in 1955, a teenager from south carolina walkedonto the field at yankee stadium, and ended up in batting practice with mickey mantle.bobby richardson went on to become a five-time all star and the world series mvp. scott rosscaught up with bobby to talk about his friendship with the mick and his record-breaking decadewith the yankees.

the 1950s and 60s were an especially excitingtime in the bronx. who better to remember the days of old than former yankee secondbaseman bobby richardson? well, mickey mantle was the player of thedecade, hit from power from both sides of the plate, tremendous ballplayer, great leader.roger maris broke babe ruth’s homerun record, 61 homeruns in 1961. but as any sports fan knows, the everydayrole-players are just as important to success and sometimes even put their own stamp onhistory. (interviewing): talking about records, you have some of your own that still haven’tbeen broken. you know, it’s amazing that after 48 yearsthose records still stand. one is the most

rbis in a world series game, which is six.the other is the most rbi’s, runs batted in, in a world series, which is 12. and theni also hold the record of having 13 hits in a world series. but, more important, i think,i have the record of playing in 30 consecutive world series games. i played at the righttime is what that means. what that means is that bobby had what ittakes to be a five-time all-star and the 1960 world series most valuable player. he stillremembers that series well. the third game of that series, i was battingeighth in the lineup, because i wasn’t a real good hitter. but, in the first inningwe scored one run, bases loaded, one out. and a lot of times in that position, caseystengel would pinch hit for me.

he’s your manager. he was my manager the first five years. andhe would just say, “hold that gun.” that meant just come on back and let slaughterhit for you. i didn’t hear that. and then i was told to try to hit the ball to rightfield, stay out of the double play. and i was trying to hit a ground ball to the rightside when clem levine threw a fastball. and i was more surprised than anybody when itwent out of the park for a grand slam. it’s a hard drive to left field, and heslowly goes back, back, back, but he doesn’t have a chance. it’s a grand slam home runfor the littlest yankee of them all! now concurrent with all this, bobby, you werea man who professed faith, a christian. in

that era, not too many people were sayingthat out loud, at least not in the public arena. how did that happen in your life? wheredid you encounter christ, or him you? when i was 14 years old, my mom invited ourpastor to come over to our home on a sunday afternoon after church. i wanted to be outsideplaying basketball, but i was ushered in. he opened his bible and he started sharingverses like when jesus said, “i am the way the truth and the life.” and that day asa young teenager, i recognized i knew about the lord jesus. i knew that historically hedied on the cross, but for the first time i was confronted with the fact that it wasa personal relationship with a living savior who gives to us abundant life.

so how did this small town christian boy fromcarolina become one of mickey mantle’s teammates on the new york yankees? i signed right out of high school at 17, andi was given a four-day trip to new york to work out with the yankees. took the trainfrom sumter to new york, checked into the hotel in new york, took a cab out to yankeestadium. i was told to put on my uniform and walk out on the field and take some groundballs at second base and to take some batting swings in the batting cage before the ballgame. well, i took the ground balls at second, but i was too embarrassed to step in frontof anybody in the batting cage, and mickey mantle came up and put his arm around me andsaid, “come on, kid, step in here and take

some swings.” from that moment on, a special friendshipbetween mickey and bobby developed. they played together until bobby retired in 1966 afteran 11-year career. they shared three world series championships. mickey always admiredbobby’s faith, and the two remained close long after their playing days. i can remember a dozen times when he and ispent time together. he came down to the university of south carolina when i coached there anddid an instructional film, came to my home here in sumter, south carolina, gave a battingexhibition. and on all those occasions, mickey and i talked about the things in life thatreally mattered.

after baseball, mickey was best known forhis battle with alcoholism. but in his final days, it was bobby’s gentle friendship thathad the biggest impact on his life. some years later in dallas, texas, he wasin the hospital, already had a liver transplant. and my phone rang in the hotel, and it wasearly in the morning. it was mickey, and he said, “i’m really hurting.” we had prayertogether on the phone. and as i was leaving to come back to south carolina, i receiveda call that he’d taken a turn for the worse. immediately we were on a plane flying outtoward dallas. and one more time, i wanted to be bold, because i wanted him to spendeternity with me in heaven. i walked into baylor medical center. he had a smile on hisface. he said, “come over here. i can’t

wait to tell you this.” he said, “i wantyou to know i’m a christian. i’ve accepted christ as my savior.” i cried a little bit,and then i said, “mickey, let me go over it with you just to make sure you understand.” bobby now looks forward to seeing his friendagain. meanwhile, he’s still living in his hometown of sumter, south carolina, with betsy,his wife of 52 years. bobby still receives daily reminders of the part he played in yankeehistory. forty-two years later, i still receive tonsof mail that are pictures and balls or helmets to sign and send back. (from 1966 retirementceremony): as i think of baseball and the memories that i’ve had in the past ten-and-a-halfyears, i think of the opportunities. and in

closing i can only say as mickey mantle hassaid, as lou gehrig has said, how lucky it has been for me to have been a yankee. togod be the glory. thank you very much. bobby richardson, one of the greats of thegame. when you hear his story, you just kind of long for those days when the pastor wouldcome over to the house on sunday afternoon. i don’t know, have we lost our innocencehere? you look at the game today, and you go, “wow,” and you look at the culturetoday. well, you know the term, for the love of thegame. i mean, these guys played for the love of the game. when business becomes reallybig, and salaries become overwhelming, i think you do lose something in the fray of all ofthat. but baseball is a great game, and he

was a tremendous player. well, tomorrow we all get an opportunity tofast and pray, and let me encourage you again, take the opportunity. let's get on our knees.if the ones who are called christian, that's the bible, the ones called who are by my name.the ones who you call yourselves christians, if we humble ourselves and pray, and god willheal. he'll bring us back. that's a promise. well, as the daughter ofan imam, the woman in our next story thought she had no choice but to follow the muslimfaith, until the night she had a visitor in her dreams. when i was a kid, sometimes you go out playing,and then you forget it’s the time for the

prayers. hephzibah agai, was the daughter of a strictmuslim imam. he will go and then pray; and when he’scoming back, he will have a cane. then he will come and use it on you very hard. somake sure you do your five prayers every day. when hephzibah was five years old, her motherdied. her father and grandmother raised hephzibah and her eight siblings in ghana, west africa.her father sent her to an arab school where she studied islam along with other subjects.she had a special bond with her english teacher. her teacher was a christian who told hephzibahabout jesus. she talked about a lot of things about thelove of christ, and i wanted to hear more

and more about him. hephzibah studied at that school from gradesone through five, all-the-while learning more about christ, but she believed she had nochoice in her religion. i’ve seen what happens to people when theyturn away from the islam religion. you’re going to be disowned; you’re not going tobe part of the family. after junior high school, hephzibah wantedto continue her studies, but her father spent her school money on a lavish wedding to hisnew bride. hephzibah was devastated. so, i was kind of crying every day. i haveto go to him, beg him again. one night she had a dream that a man cameto her house looking for her.

looked at me and said, “hey, you, my dadis looking for you.” he said, “i should give you this number.” so he gave it tome and said, “my dad said you should call him.” he walked away. so in the morningwhen i woke up, i remember those numbers and the dream as if it was right in front of me. hephzibah didn’t call the numbers rightaway but kept them in the back of her mind. she wanted to go to school so badly; she’ddo whatever it took. she couldn’t shake the thought, “what if the answer to herproblems was just a phone call away?” she called the number she’d seen in her dream.on her second try, someone answered. hephzibah agai: and he said, “my name ispastor joseph boachie. and wherever you are,

the hand of god is upon you and god is goingto use you mightily.” the minute i told him my name, he knew i was a muslim. hephzibah met pastor boachie in person andmade a life-changing decision. i prayed with him, “lord, i’ve come toyou this day, and i accepted you as my lord and personal savior.” i knew it was god’s intervention in herlife. i felt i was a whole new person. and i thoughtsomething new has begun with my life. the next day her father told her he was sendingher back to school! her prayer was answered. and i told her that “the heart of everyman, every king, is in the hands of god.”

so i encourage her that whether the fatherliked it or not, he was going to take care of her. hephzibah graduated high school. she alsowent to church but kept it a secret from her father. he warned me very strictly, that, “if iever, ever, find out you are going to church, you wouldn’t like what i would do to you.”that was when i had to be extra careful. she told her brothers and sisters about jesus,and many of them became christians, too. eventually, she couldn’t hide her faith. she told herfather she had become a christian. it came to a point; i had to take my can’t serve two masters at the same

time. so i stood up for my faith. he said,“if you don’t want to pray, then you have to leave by your own. i’m no more your father.”it was kind of a bad feeling. but then when i looked at what i have in jesus christ andhaving the support of my other brothers and sisters, i knew it’s going to be okay. becauseit’s not all about my father; it’s about being saved and standing firm in your faith. since then, hephzibah has completed bibleschool. she’s living in the united states. she’s recently graduated from college asa certified nursing assistant. though her own father abandoned her, hephzibah is thankfulto have a heavenly father that loves her unconditionally. the love of jesus is so big that it fillsevery empty space in your life. and even though

my dad left, the love of god was so mightythat i was able to stand firm. he took care of me, and so will he will take care of whoevercomes to jesus. the love of god is so big that it fails everyempty space in your life. that's what it's supposed to do. that's why god identifiedhimself as “the great i am.” what is it you need today? that's who he is, it's whathe is, and he will fill your need and your emptiness. he will set you free from thingsthat hold you in bondage. he will forgive you. he will forgive you for unthinkable thingsthat you have done. he will give you a new beginning. you know, we talked about the promisesto god's people if they would pray and how he would deal with, protect, set free theirland. the same is true for us as individuals.

i love hephzibah’s name. you know that nameis in the old testament. it means “my delight is in her.” my delight is in her. you know,god said, we’ll find him when we seek for him with all of our hearts. she was lookingfor truth. she heard about jesus. she was set free, set free from the bondage of ritual,set free from the anxiety of not knowing what life was about, set free from the frustrationof not knowing who she was and why she was born. you can have that too. it's not justfor one person here and there. the bible says anyone who calls upon the name of the lordwill be saved, and every one of us needs to be saved. that's what bobby was talking aboutearlier when he talked about his conversations with mickey mantle. “i wanted to be surethat he understood. i wanted to spend eternity

with him.” i want to be sure that you understand.i want to spend eternity with you. god’s gift of forgiveness and eternity is free.anyone who wants it can have it, but the question is will you humble yourself? will you turnaway from doing things your way, and not just receive god’s forgiveness but embrace hislordship in your life. what does that mean? well, it means you’re not going to do ityour way anymore. it means you’re going to let his power come into your life and setyou free from any bondage you find yourself in. it means you’re going to have a newway of thinking, a new way of living. god will give you that. do you want it? this iswhat his word says, “if any man is in christ, he becomes a brand new creation. old thingspass away. everything becomes new.” a new

beginning; it's yours today. take it. takehold of the promise that god's offering you. pray with me right now. “god, i am listeningto all of these stories, and i'm thinking i don't have this. i don't know you that way,but i would really like to, god. i have questioned things about you, but i've never really studied.i've never really looked, i've never really listened. you met this young girl exactlywhere she was at. will you come now into the midst of my life and my circumstances? i wantto ask you to forgive me for my sins. you know everything that i've done that’s goneagainst you, that's been wrong, that’s been a deliberate choice to hurt or to take. god,i'm asking you to change me, to forgive my sins and then to change me as a person. changethe way that i think. i pray that you’d

teach me how to live for you. show me howto know you. how to draw close to you. you gave this girl a dream. i'm asking you forwhatever it takes to set me free so i can be a disciple, a follower of you. i want mylife to count not just here but for all eternity. so, jesus, receive me today as your child.i pray that you would accept me into the kingdom, and i receive the gift of forgiveness andeternal life that you offer me, and it’s in your holy name i pray. amen.” listen, if you’ve just prayed that prayer, we've got some wonderful material for you but would love to share with you. we put this together with you in mind. it'scalled “a new day.” that's what you have

now, a new beginning, a new life, and it allstarts with this “new day.” and this is filled with information on howyou grow in your relationship with the lord. so, call that toll-free number, 1-800-759-0700.just say i prayed that prayer and i’d like the “new day” packet. we'll get it outto you right away. we're going to be back with more after this, so stay with us. coming up later . . . . he was swollen from his head to his toe. . . . . a near fatal accident . . . . every day we were getting bad reports that“your husband is not going to make it.”

. . . . a defiant patient . . . . everything that man said i wouldn't do, i'mdoing. . . . . and a stunned doctor. it was a miracle. this was absolutely fantastic. come on and cross over to the all-new crosscountry radio from cross country, where country meets the cross. you'll hearreal christian country from great country artists. the all-new cross country radio wherecountry meets the cross. cross country. it's only on my name is roger stump, and i’m a cancersurvivor. the surgeon said it's inoperable.

“it's already in your liver.” my wife,brenda, sat there and cried; and i'm thinking, “i can't die right now. i'm only 52 yearsold.” i was so distraught. i've heard cancer treatment centers of america have experiencewith pancreatic cancers. it was like night and day. the hospital just breeds an environmentof hope. you get a ct scan, and the next morning the results were read to you. we’d go upthere; i just knew it was going to be a good result. you could just see the joy on dr.granik’s face. call now and we’ll show you how the mostcompassionate people anywhere put you at the center of everything we do. together, we'llexplore real treatment options you may not even know exist.

cancer treatment centers of america. it issuch a different place, because they give you hope. i would strongly urge you to callthem and get a second opinion. please call today. welcome back to the 700 club. a federal courtsays some christian college groups are discriminating against certain students. a christian fraternityand a christian sorority had challenged a nondiscrimination policy at california stateuniversities. the policy says that campus groups cannot exclude people based on religionand sexual orientation. the christian groups argued, though, that the policy violates theirreligious freedom because they wanted to allow christian members only. but a panel of theninth circuit court of appeals in california

disagreed. operation blessing is providing a job trainingprogram for at-risk teens in honduras. these girls are learning culinary skills. they'rebeing taught how to make appetizers and baked goods, all part of a training program designedto help them find jobs. the teenagers live in casitas, a shelter for the abandoned, abused,and at risk. operation blessing helps casitas by providing workshops, counseling, and skillstraining. and you can find out more about operation blessing by going to its websiteat gordon and terry will be back more of the700 club, after this. trouble sleeping?

do you wear masks for your cpap machine? stop using that old leaky mask. get a newone now. cpap care club, now offers replacement masks,filters, and tubing, every 90 days for those on medicare and most private insurance. imagine a soft brand-new nasal mask deliveredright to your door just as you need it. these new sleep masks fit great, don't leak,and are ultra-comfortable. but that's not all. cpap care club will send you one of these. my brand-new facemask and my sleep apnea suppliesshow up right at the front door. wake up your partner less often with a soft,brand-new mask.

with cpap care club, you get all of your suppliesdelivered to your door. we pay shipping. we work with medicare or your insurance, andwe handle the paperwork. the 30-day comfort guarantee lets you see if a new mask is rightfor you. change the way you care for your sleep apnea. call cpap care club now. shippingis free and so is the call. . . . . a dental student by day. a drug dealerby night. i really thought that i could kind of livea double life and have my drug life along munjed is a palestinian boy from the westbank who had two strikes against him. both of them made him the brunt of cruel jokesuntil the day his mother took him to a clinic run by operation blessing.

ten-year-old munjed is at the top of his class.but his good grades didn't come easily, because munjed has been deaf since she was a baby.then two years ago, he was hit by a car, and that accident left him with a head injurythat caused his right eye to turn inward. munjed needed an operation to restore hisvision. but with nine other children at home, his mother couldn't afford it. my husband died four years ago, and i havebeen raising six daughters and four sons alone. but i want him to be able to see clearly,and i also want him to look beautiful again. at this clinic in hebron, munjed’s motherfinally got some good news. her son would get his surgery, free of charge, thanks tooperation blessing israel. the surgery was

a success, and now munjed has perfect vision.we also gave him new hearing aids, and today he can hear for the first time in his life.the next step is speech therapy, so he can learn to speak. his mother says she's proudof her son, and grateful to operation blessing for giving munjed back his hearing and hissight. now he loves school, and he wants to do verywell in it. i don't know what his future is. god knows. who knows what this child can accomplish.thank you. it makes me happy to know that there are good people in the world who arelooking after us. that’s what operation blessing israel does.regardless of the background, whether they're palestinian, muslim, jewish, christian, noneof the above, we want to help people, and

we want to let them know that god loves them,hasn't forgotten about them in their time of need. if you want to help operation blessing israel,you can give a designated gift. you can write to cbn center, virginia beach, va 23463. oryou can go to our website, and there's a place for a designated gift to the israel can also just join the 700 club, and that's just $20 a month, 65 cents a day. a portionof every gift goes into the work of operation blessing. another portion goes into our internationaloutreaches where we're preaching the gospel around the world. if you want to be a partof everything we're doing, join with us. we're a lot more than a tv show, and when you joinwe want to send as our gift back to you, life

beyond the grave, stories of real people whodied. some went to heaven. some went to hell. and they came back. you want to hear thesestories of what they witnessed after death. is there life after death? the answer is the consequences? yes. if you want to get this, just join with us, 1-800-759-0700. terry. eugene payne enjoys running on the treadmilland lifting weights at the gym. but a few years ago, doctors said eugene would neverbe able to do those things again after an accident that almost killed him. on a chilly november day in 2007, eugene paynewas taking a jog on his favorite route when, out of nowhere, a taxicab plowed into him.emergency crews arrived within minutes and

airlifted eugene to the shock trauma centerin baltimore, maryland. on the way there, his heart stopped beating several times, butthe emts revived him. dr. bizhan aarabi, the director of neurotrauma, didn’t know ifeugene would live or die. any patient with severe head injuries andlow blood pressure, they don’t do very well. there was a 60 percent chance that he wouldeither die or would have a bad outcome. the medical team rushed eugene into surgery.doctors diagnosed him with traumatic brain injury. they said even if he lived, he mighthave to live with severe brain damage. he suffered a fractured neck, broken bones andinternal injuries. the 12-hour operation felt like a lifetime to eugene’s wife, janice,and their family.

my faith was being tested, and i didn’tknow what to think. i didn’t know what to do. and whenever doubt would come in, someonewould come in the room and say “let’s pray.” so we prayed at least seven, eighttimes within that 12-hour surgery. we were praying and asking god to save my husband’slife. doctors had to amputate eugene’s right leg.he slipped into a coma. he was swollen from his head to his toe. andhe had tubes running out of his nose. i looked at him, and we broke down crying. i was like,“oh my goodness. this is not my husband.” and they said, “we’re going to give yourhusband until the end of this week.” two weeks later, eugene was still alive.

three weeks passed, he’s still living. isaid, “okay, i’m going to trust god.” eugene had multiple surgeries. he sufferedkidney failure, a staph infection and double pneumonia. every day we were getting bad reports that,“your husband’s not going to make it.” five weeks after the accident, janice criedout to god in desperation. i said, “i need you to show me some typeof sign that this man is going to live.” on new year’s day, he opened his eyes. thatwas my sign. i needed the lord to say, “okay, this is it. this is it, jan.” and that wasmy sign, and i was overwhelmed, filled with joy. i was like, “thank you, god.”

after three months in the hospital and intensephysical therapy, eugene learned to walk again using a prosthetic leg. but doctors warnedhim that life at home would never be the same. the doctors told us that he would never driveagain. they said, “he can never be left in the house by himself because of his traumaticbrain injury.” and they said, “he’s not going to be able to go to the gym again.” but eugene wouldn’t accept those limitations.together they worked hard at retraining his body and his mind. when he felt like giving up, we would makeeye contact, and i’d said, “mm-mm, you’re going to beat this. you can do this. do’re strong.” and i would motivate him

and pump him up, and i would give him scriptures.i said, “you know your favorite scripture, “you can do all things through christ whichstrengthen you.” and then you could see him getting up, and he’s saying, “yes,i can do this.” and he beat the odds. i can do all things through christ who strengthensme. everything that man said i wouldn’t do, i’m doing. eugene payne is driving again and workingout at the gym. the man doctors dubbed “miracle payne” continues to surprise them with hisamazing recovery. it was a miracle for gene to be able to driveand to be able to interact with the family and to take care of himself. yes, this wasabsolutely fantastic.

we’re thankful that god was there everystep of the way. when they say, “he’ll never leave you nor forsake you,” we area living testimony to that. everything i been through, it could have beenthe other way. i could not be here; i could be gone. it’s god who kept me here. we haveto enjoy life while we have it. i can’t look at what i don’t have. i look at whati do have and look at what god has done for me. god has blessed me, and i give him allthe honor and the glory. i tell you, life is unpredictable, isn't it?you go out for a run and your life is forever changed. it's because of situations like that,that we need to know that god is with us through it all, and he is. and we've got some amazingtestimonies before we pray for you that we'd

like to share with you. do you want to readyours first? sure. this is audrey from denver, colorado.she had pain in the middle toes of her left foot. the pain reached to a point where shehad to exceed the recommended dosage of pain relievers just to get to sleep at night. oneday she was watching the 700 club. terry had a word of knowledge about a problem with bonesin the toes. well, audrey claimed it. for the next 20 minutes, she felt as if she couldn'tmove, and after that all pain was gone in her foot. and that’s . . . . wow! . . . . pretty good.

that’s very good. this is michelle. shelives in toccoa, georgia. she developed a large knot going behind her right ear andeventually had a loss of hearing in that same ear. her doctor recommended surgery but saidthat the operation would be difficult. well, one night she fell asleep on the sofa. shewas awakened in the middle of the night by the tv. the 700 club was being broadcast.she heard gordon, you, give this word of knowledge. you said, “you have a tumor behind yourright ear. god is dissolving that, taking that away.” michelle felt a popping in herear. suddenly she could hear clearly, and when she felt behind her ear the next morning,that lump was completely gone. yes, a big wow.

i actually remember that one. sometimes youhave these experiences. you have words of knowledge and you forget about them. i rememberthat one. i was actually questioning, “should i say that one? should i say that one?”and to hear this report and to say, yeah, here's somebody god woke them up from a sofa,and there just happened to be a program on, just happened to be a word just for her togive her back her hearing, to avoid a surgery. that's a miracle, that's a miracle. what aboutyou? can you have a miracle today? can it happen to you? and the answer is yes. godloves all of us. god loved the world; that's why he gave jesus, for you, for you. and startthinking that way, that he came just for you. he loves you. he left the 99 to go find you,and you are honored in his presence. he wants

to call you his child, his son, his, if he's done all of these things, can he heal you? yeah. can he provide for you?yeah. he's a lot more than just a forgiving god. he is god, and he is god with us. now,the bible says that if two or more agree touching anything, it shall be done. now, terry andi are going to agree. you agree with us. and in an act of faith, reach out and touch. layhands on that area of the body that needs healing and we'll believe, and god will dothe rest. let's pray. “lord, we just let the needs of the audience to you right now,and we just ask for healing. we ask for deliverance. you came to set captives free. we ask foryou, that you would come and be god with us. god, in us. and so lord, as people are layinghands on that area of the body that needs

healing, we come into agreement with them,and we join together in one accord, and we say out loud, “be healed and be made whole,”in the name of jesus. “be healed.” there's a man; you've got inflammation of the brain,and there's some kind of infection in the membranes surrounding the brain, and god ishealing you right now, in jesus’ name, that pain is leaving you. it just left, and youare healed, and you're totally restored. there's going to be no permanent damage. you are healed.your restored. you made new now, in jesus’ name. someone else, you torn a tendon in yourright arm, in the upper arm. god is healing you right now. he's able to knit it together,and he's doing that for you, and all that pain just left you now, in jesus’ name.terry.

there's someone named jeremy. you have a needfor a certain amount of money. you don't even have an option of where to get it, but you'regoing to know it’s you, because god's going to supply that entire amount of money fromthe most unusual source. it's coming to you. someone else, you've got problems with yourleft eye. it's like infection and weeping, and god is just taking that away. he's dryingit up. restoring you in jesus’ name. just receive that. someone else, with your gallbladder,extreme pain. god's healing that, and taking away those stones from you. he's able to dissolvethem, in jesus’ name, be healed. there's somebody else, you've had a skin conditioncalled roseola for a long time. you really have a bad case of this. god is healing thatfor you. you're just going to start seeing

it fade away, and it won't come back again. lord, we thank you for you are the are our provider. you are power deliver. you love us with an infinite love. we thankyou for what you've done, in jesus’ name. amen. if you've been touched by god, we wantto share your good report. so, give us a call. we always rejoice whengod answers prayer. so, we want to hear from you. call us, 1-800-759-0700. and if you needprayer, the same number. we leave you with these words from jeremiah . . . . . . . . “i will heal them and reveal tothem the abundance of peace and truth.” god bless you.

. . . . a dental student by day, a drug dealerby night. . . . . a live performance from darlene zschech,monday on the 700 club. hello, i’m terry meeuwsen. did you knowthere are more than 148 million orphans in the world today? 148 million. but it was threelittle girls that taught me about the plight of orphans. eight years ago my husband andi spent nearly a month immersed in the daily activities of an ukrainian orphanage as wewaited to adopt three sisters. i saw firsthand the utter loneliness, the pain of rejectionand the overwhelming desire to be loved. that experience changed me forever, and out ofit grew a ministry from my heart called “orphan’s promise.” today we’re helping orphansand vulnerable children in more than 50 countries

worldwide. thousands of children are now in safe homes.they’re being educated and they’re learning life skills. i’m asking you to join withme and become family to these children. will you call the number on your screen right now,because every child deserves a chance to be happy.

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