How To Hack Into A Wifi Network

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How To Hack Into A Wifi Network

in movies, hacking is all finesse, excitement,and genius coding, but in reality it's angelheaded hipsters burning for the ancient heavenlyconnection to the starry dynamo in the machinery of night. -- ginsberg. hey there zero cools, neos and seatec astronomers,i'm trace.

How To Hack Into A Wifi Network

How To Hack Into A Wifi Network, thanks for tuning in for some dnews. passwords are like apples in a fictional garden,they're perfect, ripe, and there for the taking, if you know how. websites have a lot of different ways to storepasswords, hashing, salting, tokens, two-factor

authentication -- we have a whole video aboutit -- but hacking a password? that's a lot more fun, right? so first, for n00bs, passwords aren't storedas words, but as a set of encrypted characters called hashes. they look like this. if i want to access your account, i don'treally need your password, i just have to find the thing that lets me decrypt that hash! to do that, hacker communities created 'lookuptables' and 'rainbow tables' -- data files of common passwords that are pre-hashed.

password123 hashed is this. abcde12345 hashed, is this. if a hacker did this beforehand, and has millionsof passwords, they just compare them and they can get access to your account. and hackers can do this comparison reallyfast. in a test for ars technica, a computer couldtry 350 billion combinations every second! 350 billion password guesses. every. second.

how common does your password feel now? but companies have a weapon against rainbowtables -- it's called "salt!" not like literal salt. it's basically taking random chunks of codeand tossing them into the hashed password. as our ap donna says, "it changes the flavor." if salted hashes are found, the rainbow tablesare useless, they'll never find a match! computers aren't great at problem solving,so even this little change can fumble automated hacking programs. without the tables, everything takes longer.

hackers have to find out how the salt wasadded -- beginning of each password? after the 15th character? is it different for every user? then they have to figure out what the saltcharacters are, one encoder bcrypt puts $2a$ at the beginning of every hash… but usually, salted passwords are enough tostop a lot of hackers, because it's faster to change tack and use dictionary attacksor brute force attacks -- these were made famous in mr. robot. dictionary attacks use wordlists to take commonpasswords, like password123, and just try

them out. they salt and hash them on the fly, and comparethem to passwords in the database at the speed of light. brute force attacks are even more crazy, startingwith say, "aaaa" salted hashing it various ways and then compare those to the database,then "aaab," then "aaac..." you get it. they just try every possible combination. it takes forever. sidebar: and this is why randomly generatedpasswords don't always help. in a 2014 study done for darpa by a securitycompany, half of our "random" passwords use

the same five patterns to construct that "randomization." because nothing's actually random -- we havea video about it. hackers know this and just copy those methodsand add them to the pile of known passwords. when it comes to simple text, computers arewicked fast. a hacker doing a test for ars technica crackedover 10,000 passwords in 16 minutes just trying combinations at random within the passwordspecifications (less than 8 characters, capital letter, lowercase letter, et cetera). hackers are in a constant race against time,not necessarily because the feds are right over their shoulder like in the movies, butbecause once a company or agency realizes

they've been hacked, they usually adjust securityand go public, encouraging users to change their passwords. which is why hackers just hack you. if you're on an open wifi network withouta password, you're basically shouting your passwords for anyone listening to hear. some hackers will set up fake "free wifi"points to get common passwords and email addresses. still, others just use spam! if you click on a word document or link inan email, it can execute code on your computer, called malware, to copy everything you type(including passwords, credit card numbers

and so on) and send it direct to the hacker. and still, others pose as facebook security,or as a representative of the bank, or as the it department… some will call you onthe phone. never ever give someone your password ever. if they're the company, they already haveit! why spend all that time hacking a server ifi can just trick you into telling me your password? the moral of the story, other than hackingis crazy interesting… is to use long, complicated passwords.

and never use the same one twice. long passwords are harder for dictionary andwordlist-based attacks to solve quickly. it's actually less important to use passwordswhere letters are numbers -- but instead use a long set of words… like "correct horse battery staple" or songlyrics -- easy to remember, but so long it would take a hacking program years of computingtime to guess! it's sort of like that old joke about runningfrom a bear, you don't have to have to be the fastest, you just don't want to be theslowest. if you haven't check out the other video wejust did about hacking and passwords, do that

right here. and let us know down in the comments if youjust changed your password, because i know i did after this. thanks for tuning in to dnews, please subscribeand come back soon.

At the end this articel How To Hack Into A Wifi Network

happy ending articleHow To Hack Into A Wifi Network at this time, hope can give good information for every one who visit to my blog. See You in another my Post

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