Ip Address Conflict With Another System On The Network

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Ip Address Conflict With Another System On The Network

hello, and thanks for watching this videofrom tutorial techie. today i am going to show you how to share files and folders betweentwo windows 7 computers using homegroups. windows homegroups has made fairly easy toshare files with other people on your home network, however there are a few pitfallsthat you need to watch out for and all try to point those out along the way.

Ip Address Conflict With Another System On The Network

Ip Address Conflict With Another System On The Network, all right let's get started. i'm going tocome down to my start menu and click on the control panel. in the control panel undernetwork and internet i'm going to click on the link choose homegroup and sharing options. you may notice that i get an error that says"the homegroup is not available because you're

not connected to the home network". the reasonthat i'm getting this error is when my computer first connected to this network it asked mewhat type of network are you connected to; public work or home. i chose public, howeverhomegroups cannot be a part of the public network. they can only exist on home networks. you may notice that i also get the link leavethe homegroup. the reason this pops up is because this computer was previously a partof another homegroup. your computer can be a part of multiple homegroups but for demonstrationpurposes i'm going to show you how to leave a homegroup now. i'm going to click on the link leave the homegroupand click on the leave the home button. i'll

give this a second and now the dialog boxwill pop up saying you have successfully left the homegroup. i'll click on finish and nowyou'll notice i no longer have the link leave a homegroup. now i need to deal with this error to createor join a group your computer's network location must be set the home. in order to check whereyour network location is set to, i am going to come down here and open up the networkand sharing center. in the network and sharing center i see thatthis unidentified network or the network that i'm connected to is currently set to public.you can always tell what type of network you have based upon the little icon. public networkshave a park bench, work networks have a tower

and home networks have a home. the reason that windows doesn't allow youto create homegroups on a public network is so you don't accidentally share files andfolders with people that you don't know. you would hate to go to starbucks and have a strangeraccess sensitive documents that are found in your my documents library. i am however on a home network, a networkthat's in my home and one that i don't mind sharing the files that are in my documentslibrary with other people connected to the network. in order to change my network locationi'm going to come back to the homegroup settings and click on the link what is a network location.under this network location i'm going to click

on the home network button. now that my network locations properly beenset i will be prompted to create a homegroup. on my homegroup i'd like to share everythingpictures music videos documents and printers someone to make sure that all of those checkmarkboxes are checked and i am going to click next. i will now be given a password and be promptedto write it down. the reason i'm given this password is because all other computers onthis network will be required to enter this in order to join the homegroup. this password is a little bit difficult forme to remember though and there is a way to

change it some going to discard this passwordand change it. the way that you can change the password for the homegroup is by clickingthe link change the password. i will click on that link and click on the button and changethe password. i will be prompted to give a new for my homegroup.i will go ahead and type in a password that's a little bit easier for me to remember pa$$w0rd.i can click on next and now will prompt me to write that password down. this password,pa$$w0rd, will now be required for all other computers that want to join the network thati just created. well that was easy. i just successfully setup a homegroup on computer number one. let's head on over to another computer, computernumber two and try to join the homegroup that

i created on computer number one. you cansee that computer number two, like computer number one, thinks it's on a public network.i need to change this in order to join a homegroup because homegroups can only be accessed onhome networks. in order to change this i can click on the link homegroup in the networkand sharing center. when i access the homegroup settings i noticedthat this computer was also part of a previous homegroup. your computer can be a part ofmultiple homegroups however i don't want this computer to be a part of any other homegroupbesides the homegroup that was set up by computer number one. so i am going to leave the previoushomegroup by clicking the link leave the homegroup and clicking the button leave the homegroup.perfect i've successfully left the previous

homegroup. now i need to join the homegroup that computernumber one set up. i still have to deal with this error to create or join a homegroup yourcomputer's network location must be set to home. so i am going to click on the link whatis a network location and click on home network. just like on computer number one i will beprompted to create a homegroup. however i do not want to create a new homegroup, i wantto join the homegroup that already exists on this network. so i am going to close outof this dialog box create a homegroup. right now it says there is no homegroup onthis network, but i am going to give this a second to refresh and perfect.

now it says john sterling on vpc1 which iscomputer number one has created a homegroup on the network. in order to join this homegroupi'm going to click on the button join now. when i click the button join now i'll be promptedto decide what i want to share with other computers running on this homegroup. i wantto share everything: pictures music videos documents and printers so i am going to makesure that everything is checked. i will go ahead and click on next and i'llbe prompted for the homegroup password. this is the password that i created when i wassetting up the homegroup. for me i changed it to pa$$w0rd so i will type that in andclick next. alright perfect, it says i've successfullyjoin the homegroup. i am going to click on

the finish button, give this a second, andi now it shows me all of the things that i am sharing on this homegroup: pictures documentsmusic printers and videos. now that i've join the homegroup lets go ahead and try to sharesomething. i'm going to open up my documents libraryby clicking on libraries and double-clicking on documents library and i'm going to createa new text document by right clicking, going to new and clicking on text document. i willname this text document, this is computer number two. let me open up this text document and i wantto see if computer number one can edit this document, so i will go ahead and ask the questioncan you edit this doc? let me go ahead and

save that document by going to file save andi can close out of this. let's head on over to computer number oneto see if we can access that file that was created by computer number two. i see rightabove computer there's a button called homegroup. you can access other computers that are partof this homegroup via that button. you can also access other computers via the networkbutton. i have actually had difficulty in the pastaccessing them via the homegroup button, but i've never had difficulty be of the networkbutton so l'll go ahead and click on network right now and all of the computers that arepart of this network will appear. i see vpc1, which is computer number one andvpc2 which is computer number two. i also

see media devices. because both computer numberone and computer number two are sharing videos and pictures they are considered media devices. if i double-click on vpc1: j sterling it wouldopen up in windows media player and i would be able to access all of the videos and picturesthat computer number one is sharing. because i want to access a document on computer numbertwo, i'm going to double-click on vpc2 which is computer number two. i see a users folder so i will double-clickon the users folder and the user that sharing the document that i want to access is jsmith,so i will double-click on that user, double-click on my documents, and there it is!

that's the document that i created on computernumber two and you can clearly see that i'm on computer number one. all right, let seeif i can view this document. i can, now let's try to edit this document. i will go aheadand type in this sentence, let me try. i will go to file save and this is interesting, iget a save as dialog box that pops up. that normally doesn't happen when i go to filesave but whatever, i will just click save yes and i get the dialog box that pops upthat says access denied. the reason that access is because by defaulthomegroups are read only which means that other computers on the home network can accessyour files but they cannot modify those files. if i would like other computers on the homenetwork to be able to modify my files i need

to click on the share with button scroll downto homegroup read/write and click that. now all users that are a part of this homegroupwill not only be able to access my documents that are in my documents library but theywill also be able the modify those document's. it's important that you give read/write accesssparingly because when you do all other computers that are part of this homegroup will be ableto modify the documents that are in the library do you shared. for demonstration purposes i'm going to changethe documents library on computer number one to read/write and i am going to create a newdocument by right clicking going to new and clicking on text document. i will call thistext document this is computer number one

and let me go ahead and open and edit thisthis document can you edit this? i'm going to ask that question to computer number two. let me save this document and close out ofit. now let's switch back on over to computer number two to see if we can access that fileand edit it. so i am going to click on network, click on vpc1, which is computer number one,click on the users folder as soon as that pops up there it is. i see the user that created the document jsterlingso i will double-click that. open up the my documents folder and there is the documentthat was created on computer number one and you can see that i am accessing it via computernumber two. let me go ahead and open this

document and it says can you edit this. i will go ahead and say yes, computer numbertwo can edit this. to be able to prove this i will go to file save, and i didn't get adialog box that said access is denied, it just saved. let's switch on over to computer number oneand when i open that document it says yes computer two can edit this. something else you should know is that noteis that not only can computers modify the contents of the document, they can also editthe name of the document. i will prove this by opening up the document that was on computernumber one, this is computer number one, clicking

and i can go ahead and rename this. i will go ahead and type then i can even renamedocuments. now let's jump back on over to computer number one and you will see the documentthat was previously called this is computer number one is now called i can even renamedocuments. all right, now i have successfully shared files between two windows 7 machinesusing homegroups. if you're having difficulty doing this itmight be because your computer names are the same. in order to check this click on thestart menu right-click on computer and go to properties. under properties you'll see the computer name.the computer name for computer number one

is a vpc1. if i wanted to change that i couldclick on change setting and click on the change button. you see computer name vpc1, rightthere, i could change it just by entering something into that dialog box. if i did,a computer restart would be required. if i jump back over to computer number two,i can check this computers name the same way by going to start menu right clicking on computerclicking on properties and i can see computer name right there is vpc2. if two computers on the same network havethe same name they will not be able to communicate with one another and you will have all kindsof network conflicts. so if you're having issues, it's very importantyou check the computer names and make sure

that they're not the same. well, that is goingto do it for the tutorial. hopefully you enjoyed it, thanks for watching!

At the end this articel Ip Address Conflict With Another System On The Network

happy ending articleIp Address Conflict With Another System On The Network at this time, hope can give good information for every one who visit to my blog. See You in another my Post

Now you have reading Ip Address Conflict With Another System On The Network with link addresshttps://networkrealtionforbussiness.blogspot.com/2017/05/ip-address-conflict-with-another-system.html

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