Wake Up Now Network Marketing

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Wake Up Now Network Marketing

{\rtf1\ansi\ansicpg1252\cocoartf1038\cocoasubrtf360{\fonttbl\f0\fswiss\fcharset0 helvetica;} {\colortbl;\red255\green255\blue255;}\margl1440\margr1440\vieww7800\viewh8400\viewkind0 \pard\tx720\tx1440\tx2160\tx2880\tx3600\tx4320\tx5040\tx5760\tx6480\tx7200\tx7920\tx8640\ql\qnatural\pardirnatural \f0\fs24 \cf0 what's up guys, stay tuned.i'm about to change your lives! hey what's up, it's ricky, i'm one of the top leadersin seriouscurrencygroup. make sure you go

Wake Up Now Network Marketing

Wake Up Now Network Marketing, to www.rickswunlife.com i've helped a lotof people make money online. i've been working online myself for almost a year now. my teamand i are growing extremely fast and there are more people retiring every month. so,i want to ask you three questions before i get into anything and before i start givingyou my presentation.\

1. are you tired of working over 40 hoursa week just to get by knowing you're not going to get the finer things you want in life ortravel to the exotic places you always wanted to go?\2. are you ready to start fulfilling your dreams today and start being able to travelwhen you want, where ever you want to, shop when ever you want to shop, and eat withoutbeing told when to eat?\ 3. are you willing to hear me out about anopportunity and company that helps you save, manage, and make as much money as you want?we have people in this company under the age of 30 making over $20,000 every month drivingnew bmws, maserati's, audis and bentley's!\ if you said yes to all 3 of those questionsand if you're willing to take what i say and

what you're about to see seriously then you'relife is about to change dramatically. aright, the company i'm about to introduce you tois a life-changer in every aspect. if you've been making money online, if you've been strugglingto make money online, you're definitely going to make money online now when you join myteam. now, the company i'm introducing you to is called wakeupnow. it's one of the bestcompanies out there. it's changing everything up in this line of business. we have one ofthe best travel clubs in the world! we have some of the best exotic places to travel tohave the best time of your life. i'm talking about hawaii, dominican republic, europe,miami, aruba, puerto rico, japan, south africa. we have access to the most exotic places inthe world and wakeupnow offers us a discount

of up to 90% !! you can get 7 day trips tomiami or the most exotic condos in the world for $500 or less! not only that, as soon asi signed up, wakeupnow gave me a 22% discount on my phone bill. they do these corporatediscounts for verizon, t-mobile, at&t and others coming in the near future! now what'sreally changing my life is that i'm able to consistently save money on every single thingthat i buy! we have over 30,000 merchants, over 3 million items that are on sale justfor us wakeupnow members. i'm talking about anything you can name, like a new screen tv,nike shoes or jordan sneakers, gucci belts, kitchen supplies, bedroom supplies, any storethat you can think of. we have store discounts at macy's, wal-mart, you name it, we got iton discount, literally! our company has made

relationships with over 3,000 companies! doyou know how hard that is for a young company to do?! we are also officially apart of thedirect selling association. we are totally legit guys. but, what has my belly feelinghappy with food everyday, what has been paying my bills every month is the wakeupnow incomeopportunity. guys, you have yet to see a compensation plan that is as amazing and as powerful aswakeupnow. i've been in wakeupnow since march of 2013 and i'm not going to tell you thatit was easy for me, because it wasn't. i started out with no following what so ever, so i knewit wasn't going to be easy. i paid my monthly subscription six times before i actually mademoney with wakeupnow. so i know how it feels to struggle, literally. the one thing thatkept me going was my passion, my motivation

and my burning desire to succeed. i knew thiscompany was special as soon as i saw the first video about it back in march of 2013. now,almost a year later i've gotten the privilege to help tons of people earn an extra $600or more every month just by sharing the information i'm doing with you now and by using my 10methods to succeed. i'm about to show you how much money you can make when you joinmy team seriouscurrencygroup and join wakeupnow. alright guys what you're looking at is theofficial wakeupnow income disclosure. this shows you exactly how much each one of us,independent business owners are paid every single month. we're paid on the 15th of everymonth. we are a residual based money program that pays residually every month on the 15th.so, once i help you get your 3 people in the

program you will become a director 3 and yourmaking $100 a month and that's taking care of your monthly subscription so you no longerhave to pay any monthly membership fees after i help you get your 3 people. once i helpyou get your 3 people's 3 people you'll be a founder 3 and that's when you'll be in the600 club. this is what i want everybody in my team to be and you'll be making an extra$600 to $1,000 every month as a founder 3. next, we have our founder 4 rank, you'll bemaking up to $2,500. this is all working from home on your computer. the next levels upare the founder 5 and founder 6 ranks. as a founder 5 you're going to be averaging upto $5,000 a month and as a founder 6 up to $8,000 every month. this is life changingincome! my future goal is to reach the founder

7 rank where you make up to $14,000 everysingle month. guys, this is where i want to be, this is what my goal is, this is what'sgoing to have me traveling every single day. traveling where ever i want, eating all daylong, and shopping , buying what ever i want, when ever i want. alright, so this is ourexecutive rank. there are people under 30 years old hitting this rank making up to $19,000a month. so if i wanted to stay an executive that means i will get up to $19,000 everysingle month as long as i'm keeping my team active and everyone's putting in the work.and some are already pearl, ruby and emerald executives. which are the next ranks up. asa pearl your making up to $24,000 a month. the ruby rank your making up to $29,000 eachmonth. in the emerald rank your making up

to $34,000 a month! could you imagine making$34 grand every single month, on the 15th?! on the 15th my sponsors sponsor, seemore green,is already the first global executive making $114,000 a month! that's 1.3 million dollarsa year all at the age of 25!!! crazy huh? talk about self-made. guys this is definitelylife changing money. \b\b0 let me show you how many people i have in my program. this is how my wakeupnow hub or backoffice looks like. thisis ricky mercado, i'm signed in right now and right now i have over 350 people in myorganization and with that i can average at least up to $5,000 every month as a founder5. alright guys you saw the income. you saw the type of income that can really changeyour life. if you guys are serious about joining

this journey with me and joining my team,#seriouscurrencygroup i'm about to show you exactly how you're going to benefit by joiningme and show you exactly what i have planned for you. if you ever joined a sponsor whonever cared to help you out, i got you! so, when you do join my team you will be apartof a group effort and we'll be helping everybody out to be able to succeed and i will be ableto place people under you. so, i will be helping you get 3 people and you'll be helping your3 people get their 3 people and we're going to accomplish that by having all this material.everybody that joins the team will get a #seriouscurrencygroup training manual thanks to our adopted sponsordamar kashedout. now these are the 4 brochures that you'll get and you can personalize themeither with adobe reader or photoshop to change

the contact information, or you can go toyour local office max or staples and have them change the contact information to yours.\b \b0 i got the green, the orange, red and here'sanother general wakeupnow version. i will be providing everyone with training manualsthat explains what to do step by step by step exactly what to do with these materials exactlyfor all of them. next we have the postcards for postcard marketing. i'm sure a lot ofyou guys are familiar with the post card marketing. i have 5 versions of the postcards. this iseverything you'll get when you join my team. also, as you can see, we have the flyers.you will be getting all four versions of the flyers. these are working for me day by day.you'll have exactly what to do with the flyers,

postcards, and brochures. also, inside ofthe seriouscurrencygroup training you will have facebook training and instagram training.that'll be our social media training. also an intense youtube training and how to getranked on google, solo ads training, flyer & brochure training of course and more! soeveryone that joins seriouscurrencygroup will get everything that you see right here andyou'll also get the seriouscurrencygroup training manual. so guys, this is what it's going totake to actually succeed within this company. to become successful you will need to do morethan one thing, so that's why i have more than 8 methods for you to succeed in stepby step methods. you'll definitely get three people once you put everything that's insideof your training manual into action. alright

guys, you've seen everything that you getonce you join my team. you're getting all the flyers, the brochures that i have, thepostcards, you're getting the discount for the phone bill, you'll be able to travel toany exotic place in the world with discounts up to 90%. we have our own concierge servicethat will assist us when we are ready to travel, you're getting all of that but guys, to joinmy team and start to change your life and being able to shop when you want, and be ableto travel when you want, it's only $100 to get in team #seriouscurrencygroup and joinwakeupnow. only $100 to change your life! i haven't paid my monthly subscription inmonths because i get paid now to enjoy the products and services. so guys imagine whatmy training can help you accomplish and imagine

what type of life that you'll be living ifyou seriously put a $100 in. \b\b0 guys contact me immediately on facebook, instagram, and also email or call me rightnow. guys, it's $100 and that's it. it can change your life.}

At the end this articel Wake Up Now Network Marketing

happy ending articleWake Up Now Network Marketing at this time, hope can give good information for every one who visit to my blog. See You in another my Post

Now you have reading Wake Up Now Network Marketing with link addresshttps://networkrealtionforbussiness.blogspot.com/2017/06/wake-up-now-network-marketing.html

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