What Is The Network Security Key

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What Is The Network Security Key

hi and welcome to this video on securing yourhome wifi network i've worked in it over the last 15 years orso, and have been known for my security work for the last five of those. the media makes a big thing about networksecurity in companies, but in this video i want to look at home networks.

What Is The Network Security Key

What Is The Network Security Key, i'm not going to go into huge depth, but iam going to give seven pieces of advice that i believe many home networks would benefitfrom. ok, so let's start with the router. the router is the gateway between your network,and the outside world, the internet. so it's

really important to protect it with a strongpassword. after all, it contains the password to your wifi network, and also gives peoplegeneral control over what they can do within your network. it's really common for people to leave thedefault password in-place, and i would strongly advise against that. it's something that ahacker will predict. that could be everything from a password like the word admin or administrator,to match the username; right the way through to a more complex one that matches the serialnumber of the device, which the hacker may have other ways of achieving that information. other common password recommendations apply,so a common password in the world (used for

all sorts of things) is "password1". or peopleuse family names, or sports etc... so try not to use something that is too predictableand stick to good password advice. personally, i would recommend (i don't thinkthis is the best password in the world, by the way), but use of a phrase of some variety.people will often use a song lyric or something or other else that means something to them,and therefore is naturally memorable. my next recommendation is such a common one,i would hope this is familiar to everybody: to use wpa2 as your level of encryption.itwould be remiss of me not to mention it, and therefore i have put it in this video. for anyone who is not aware, wep and wpa (thefirst version of wpa), are now considered

weak forms of encryption so should not beused. the recommendation is to go to wpa2, which is a much stronger form of encryption. the other thing i'd want to call out hereis what's often called "mixed mode", "legacy mode", or "compatibility mode", or as simpleas it shows in this screenshot, just "wpa + wpa2". this form of encryption basicallyallows for both wpa1 and wpa2. it's often seen as a benefit for compatibilitybut in reality devices very rarely need anything other than wpa2 these days and leaving that mixed modeopen simply opens you up to the risks of the original wpa1 encryption methodso i would strongly advise to move

away from that if you use it, and set yourdevice so that it only uses wpa2 encryption. my third recommendation is to turn off wpstechnology this was a technology brought in as a convenience factor really so that youcould press a button on the top of your router and create afast connection effectively for a new device to join the network. i don'tpersonally believe that many people use it heavily. you would need to have a lot ofnew devices joining your network in order to make it worthwhile and from a hackingperspective it is the easiest way really into a network is toexploit wps technology so unless you

have a really strong need for lots ofnew devices joining our network on a regular basis i really strongly adviseyou turn this feature off. it's usually just a simple checkbox as youcan see in left hand image "enable wps". on some devices, like the one screenshot'don the right, it just talks about it as registering devices and you would haveto determine that you did not want you devices to be able to join your network this next recommendation shouldn't apply toa lot of people so remote management is a feature that's usually turned offby default and people turn it on usually

to be able to potentially log into theirrouter to tweak things while they're at work or at another site it's rare thatpeople really need to use that function but there are occasions when people turnit on unnecessarily obviously it creates an exposure whereby ahacker in the outside world has then got an easierpath to be able to break their way into your router password so i strongly recommend that people make surethat feature is turned off in their router my next recommendation is simply to look afteryour devices so bear in mind that any

insecure device on your network puts anyother device at risk so maintain any antivirus software any local firewalland patch the operating system, even firmware potentially to the device don't forget that this applies to all deviceson your network so you may instantly think of adesktop pc may be a laptop and a tablet but it will also apply to any mobilephone that connects, potentially a television and these days even thingslike fridges and kettles can be purchased that can jump on a wifi network the next couple of recommendations are notas critical so i've marked them in the bottom

right hand corner as such the first of these is about obscuring your ssid. this is the name of yournetwork in effect a lot of people recommendhiding your ssid i must admit i do it myself but it provides a very weak form ofprotection. it's extremely easy to actually crack that whether or not you choose to hide your ssidi would still say to think very carefully about what it says aboutidentifying you so use of your family name in it the nameof your property or even just leaving it by

defaultrepresenting who your service provider is. all these pieces of information canhelp hacker find a flaw in your network or indeed find more information aboutyourself out together with internet traffic so my recommendation would be to used somethingpretty neutral maybe a random name from a dictionary such that itmeans something to you but isn't obviously identifiable as yours my last recommendation is to considermac filtering this is basically a list of authorized devices that can connectto

your network and any device that is not onthat list will not be able to connect even if it has the correct password to doso. if you don't tend to add new devices toyour network on a regular basis i would strongly advise using this feature justbecause of the protection it obviously offers but it will depend on how often youintroduce new devices and just how easy your particualr router makes it for addingnew devices to that mac filter list and that's last of my recommendations so ithought i'd just list here the key ones, the ones i marked as high importance. if any of these still apply to you i'd strongly

advise that you take a look at thesenow just because of the level of protection that they offer this is thefirst video i've done of this presentation type, so i'll be interestedto hear whether this is useful for anybody. that's obviously the reason i've put it uphere... to try and be helpful! please leave some comments in terms of what works and what doesn'twork and i'll try to learn that for any future videos i hope the video helpedthanks for watching!

At the end this articel What Is The Network Security Key

happy ending articleWhat Is The Network Security Key at this time, hope can give good information for every one who visit to my blog. See You in another my Post

Now you have reading What Is The Network Security Key with link addresshttps://networkrealtionforbussiness.blogspot.com/2017/06/what-is-network-security-key_3.html

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