Who Won Next Food Network Star

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Who Won Next Food Network Star

(narrator)coming up on"star salvation"... this is a blind smell test. fennel? (eddie)that's wrong. whoo!

Who Won Next Food Network Star

Who Won Next Food Network Star, (narrator)iron chef alex guarnaschelli and eddie jackson, winner of"food network star" season 11, will mentor eliminated finalistsfrom "food network star" through a series of challengesthat will prepare one of them

for the second chanceof a lifetime. monterey, yaku,welcome back. thank you. as you know,you are not alone in your questfor food network stardom. please welcomethe next finalist. [squeals]smidgeons! erin.[laughs] hello!

(erin)i walk backinto the kitchen... hey, how you doin'? ...here are yaku and monterey. hey, baby doll. (erin)oh, boy--they're definitelyboth heavy hitters. i'm just gonna be my bubbly selfand dive into this. everyone seemed to be captivatedby your bubbly personality. if i could bathe in chocolate,i would bathe in. (eddie)but there was a concernthat your food neverreached the finesse

necessary to go all the way. if you're gonnadeliver to me verbally chocolate, chocolate, chocolate,decadent chocolate, it needs to be that. all right, guys, so to bea successful food network star, you have to havea discerning palate, which requires botha keen sense of taste and smell. okay.

(alex)so in this challenge,you will each take turns identifying ingredientsby smell only in order to determinethe special ingredients that you'll allbe cooking with. let's do it. all right, let's go. all right. okay, so guys,you've all heard ofa blind taste test. oh.

[chuckles quietly] my sense of smellis pretty good. it has to be,i'm a chef. there you go. ooh, there we go. i got this! monterey, are you readyto start the smell test? [sniffing loudly] i'm first up,and i'm like...[sniffs]

it smells kinda smokyand a little spicy. it's cayenne. wrong, great. it smells like star anise. yeah, you--i mean, you onthe right track, but not quite. so i take a whiff. that's...cinnamon? [ding] yes, sir!

thyme? (eddie)not quite. is that lemon zest? you're in the right ballparkbut the wrong team. [sniffing]dill. (eddie)you got it! cool beans! all right, guys, you can takeyour blindfolds off. as a group, you correctlyidentified only two items.

(alex)to be a food authority, you have to work with allkinds of ingredients, including ones that do not havethe smell of familiarity. wonderful. so, guys, you will not becooking with the ingredients that you correctly identified. all right, alex, any othertricks you got up your sleeve? you guys are gonna be usingthe five ingredients that you incorrectlyidentified--

smoked paprika, ginger, kumquats, fennel pollen, and marjoram. (erin)come on! my mind has been turning thiswhole time on dill and cinnamon! you guys are gonna get30 minutes to cooka tasty dish using all fiveof these ingredients. after you guys cook,you will have 60 seconds to tell us about your dishand how you mastered

the use of your ingredients. your 30 minutes starts now! [laughs] seeing the ingredients,i immediately am drawnto pork. smoked paprika and pork are,like, so good together. without a doubt,looks good. a little bit more,that looks good, too. i'm making pork triangleswith sour and spicy kumquat sauce.

erin, how you doin'? sweatin'! i need to get this meaton the stove asap, so immediately,i throw fennel, marjoram, fresh-grated ginger,smoked paprika into a pan. i have not made this before,but i'm optimistic. i am going to makethis dish a little trip to the south of france

with my herb-crusted shrimpwith pan-seared cauliflower and a drunken kumquat sauce. [cork pops] i'm making this dish becausemy culinary point of view, taking flavors from aroundthe world and makingthem accessible. what you got going ondown there, mama? i am going to makea kumquat ginger honey sauce. what?! that's my idea--i'm making a ginger...

what happened? i'm making a ginger kumquat,uh, compote. oh! well, great minds think alike. (monterey)erin is also makinga ginger kumquat sauce. i have to make surethat mine's better, 'cause i'm not gonna go homeover some ginger honeykumquat sauce. gonna block cut that. my dish is fiveon the black fish side--

a blackened grilled salmon witha kumquat and mango salsa on top of an avocado mousse with a ginger-soy gastrique. good stuff. i'm bastin' my salmon witha little bit of olive oil, and then i'm coating itwith smoked paprika and also the fennel pollen. i'm putting my salmonon the grill to give it a nice little char,then i'm gonna finish it off

in the oven to make sureit's nice and tender. growing up, my mom usedto always make us fish with different sauces,so this is kinda likean ode to her. i know that you reallyare very interested in baking, that's your passion--is that hard to bring consistently to every challenge? i have come to find that bakingis my center. as long as i havesome kind of baking component, i'm all right.

(alex)what's this, puff pastry? mmhm, i love puff pastry,'cause it bakes pretty quick. (alex)puff pastry bakes quickly? well, put it inthe right temperature. normally, i would usea rolling pin, and i wouldeven out my layers so that the puff pastry wouldbake a little bit faster, but i don't have time. if i get this in the ovenin...one minute,

i'll be okay. i turn the oven up,and i hope and prayfor them to finish baking. hey, guys,we got 14 minutes! how are we? i'm doing a marjoram,oregano, and smoked paprikamarinated shrimp, and then the kumquatand ginger compote. it's gonna be flavors ofeuropean coastal side, so i'm really excited.

i love it. good. that's confidence! yes! confidence! confidence!that's what i want to see! do you think thatwe can retain this moment, and that whenwe present the food,we could have the same? well, i better. all right, we gotten minutes left, guys!

ten minutes left! for my avocado mousse, i add my avocadosto the food processor, a little bit of cilantro,little lime juice. this puree is almost lookin'like guacamole. i'm gonna add a little bitof cream. hulk smash! i gotta get it toa mousse consistency. five-fifteen left, guys!

it's hard to watch! (monterey)once my shrimpare marinated, it's time to get themon some skewers, and then i just throw themon the grill. i don't have a lot of time. oh, my gosh, they look so cute! i slice into my puff pastry... yes! thank the good lord. they are bakedto perfection!

but my sauce is lookinga little bit thick. there's one minute left!take an inventory and make sure you didn't forgetany of the ingredients you were asked to use. ♪♪ (eddie)here we go, five! four! three! two! one! stop what you're doing! stop, stop!

hm! okay, first up, monterey. you're gonna have 60 secondsto describe your dish. don't forget to explain how youused those special ingredients in your dish. i want to take you to a tinylittle coastal village on the seaside in france. so i did shrimpthat i marinatedwith marjoram, oregano, and parsley,so that went on the grill

while i mademy drunken kumquats. now i don't know about you,but when i hear france, i think champagne,so i simmered those kumquats with champagne, some brownsugar, and star anise to really round out that citrustang to complement my dish. and a little bit of... (alex)time's up. i actually like thatyou took us on a trip. mmhm.

you transported us somewhere,but the question i am left not knowing is how doesyour food taste? there's no doubt in my mind that you are an amazing chef. you really are. i just love this, sort of,interplay. i get some of the other flavors,particularly the fennel pollen on the shrimp, i get a littlebit of the heat fromthe smoked paprika, and i'm getting the notesof ginger, obviously.

i get the kumquat,and i like that a lot. i am so confidentin my food right now, that i feel like i might havea little bit of wiggle room on the presentation...i hope. yaku, come on up. have fun! (yaku)my plan going intomy presentation is i want to make surethat they know that they'regetting yaku in this dish. bein' six-foot-nine, i wasblessed with the opportunity

to travel the worldplayin' basketball, but it takes you awayfrom your family. food became that comfort,and one of those dishes was my mom's fishwith her mango salsa. so i have a blackened salmonwhere i used a littlefennel pollen and also the smoked paprikato give it an earthy taste, and then i gave you a mangosalsa, a little bit of heat, but it also gives you thatfresh, fruity taste of the mangoes and alsothe kumquats.

this is something from my momand something from meto you guys. i loved, um, what you did here--the creamy avocado, fish, the raw kumquat againstthe mango and the onion-- fantastic. this is you on a plate. i just think we're gettingreally to a much more realplace with you. you're just strippin'those layers. i feel like i know more aboutyaku in 60 seconds just then than i did in the past fourweeks since i've been here.

feelin' good!i'm really showin'my growth now. all right, erin,why don't you come on up? my entire goal is to explainmy food and tell a story that connects to my pov. growing up, i always thoughtmy grandma's orange tree produced kumquats next dooras babies. when i got moreinto the baking scene,kumquats are something that we like to use--they add nice depth of flavor that's unexpected,so i took the kumquats,

and i put them in withsome honey and some ginger, and i made a dipping sauce,and then i actually took some ground pork, and i sauteedthat up with smoked paprika, because i love smoked paprikaand pork, it's delicious, and i stuffed it inside of puffpastry, because as a baker, i love to put anything thati can into dough. i hope that you absolutelylove it, because i do. presentation-wise,i love your story. (eddie)i felt like i got to knowa little bit about you.

we saw a twinkle in your eye,you know, a little bouncein your step. yeah. some spunky, you know,and your little-- that's who you arenaturally, though. it didn't look forced to me. you said, "i lovesmoked paprika with pork, because it's delicious." bad word. no, not bad, just connectin a way that the language

makes me wanna eat. the sauce--dynamite.you really need it. but fennel is, like,extremely strong. guys, you definitely dida better job cookingyour ingredients than you did identifying them. we'll call you back when we'vemade a really tough decision. all right, guys, so this isa slightly twisted challenge. what startedas a smell test quickly went toa cooking test.

but there was one personwho proved that they had a great palate by creatinga great dish and also giving us descriptive presentation. so the first chefthat's gonna be moving on to the "star salvation"finale is... yaku. [quietly]oh, my god. (eddie)good job. [normally]i'm, like,this close to getting

back into the "food networkstar" competition. monterey and erin, you guys wereneck and neck today, honestly. one really inched the other outa touch on food, and the other one maybe a littlebit on the presentation, and that createda really hard decision. (eddie)erin, your spicy kumquat sauce,we both felt we could put it in a bottle,but your pork, we felt like it was a miss. monterey, your cooking continuesto be almost beyond reproach.

but we didn't feel that todaywas your best presentation. i agree. it's the closest callwe've had to make. by the slightest of margins, the person continuing on in the "star salvation"finale is... monterey. erin, great job,and i can definitely see that personality they told meabout so much.

thank you, thank you forall of your advice. it's actually something thati can apply, so thank you. [quietly]all right!

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