Armed Citizens Legal Defense Network

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Armed Citizens Legal Defense Network

in chicago, we have yet anotherafrican-american who was shot and killed by cops. his name was laquanmcdonald, he was seventeen years old. in this case, he had a knife,he was nowhere near the

Armed Citizens Legal Defense Network

Armed Citizens Legal Defense Network, officers and nowhere near usingit, but he was shot sixteen times by jason van dyke. that officer has been charged,so that is good news. they kept a video of theshooting for over a year,

they kept from the public, thatis bad news. the reason for that is, thevideo is terrible. before i show you the video, letme tell you what the chicago police department reported whenthe shooting actually happened. if there was no video atall, this is the only account we would have had, do you think hewould have been charged? they explained that mcdonald hada hundred yard stare. "he's staring blankly. he walked into a car and stabbedthe tire of the car and

kept walking. the boy allegedly lunged atthe police, and one of the officers opened fire." well we can't get laquan mcdonald's side of the story,because he is already dead. now i am going to show you thevideo and show you what actually happened. warning, a kid is going to getshot here sixteen times.

there is no audio, butlet's watch together. so there you see him jogging,the cops are coming around. the relevant officer is going tocome around in a little bit, and i'm going to show you thetiming that is very important. they tell him to stop, boom. officer van dyke had a glocknineteen, he unloaded all sixteen bullets of the gun. you can see in the video, thereis smoke coming out of the body as he continues to shoot.

mcdonald is clearly onthe ground. by the way, all sixteenbullets hit him. only two of them hit him whenhe was standing, the other fourteen were when he wasalready on the ground. if you were not positive that hewas dead, did you really think that, after taking two bullets,twelve bullets, that he was going to get up and somehow posea danger to your health? did you really think that? no you didn't.

officer van dyke shot mcdonaldwithin thirty seconds of arriving on the scene, and within six seconds ofgetting out of his car. six seconds. did he give him an adequatechance to surrender? on what planet does anybodythink that was an adequate chance to surrender? in sixty seconds or less, heshoots him 16 times. why do you thinkafrican-americans are

protesting throughoutthe country? because this is theirexperience, we just never got to see the video before. the officer says he waslunging at them. does he look anywhere near theofficers in the video? we have eyes. the defense attorney thinks hecan trick us, that we don't have powers of observationon that. before i get to that, and let menote again, the earlier report

from the cops in the chicago tribune, he had a hundred yardstare. we kill people for thewrong stare now? apparently we do. his back was to him for howeverlong it was, why did you shoot the guy when thekid's back is to you? why would you shootsomeone in the back? you are missing it, thebiggest crime in america is disrespecting a police officer.

they told him to put it downand stop, he dared to turn around on them? no, no, no, it cannot betolerated, you put him down. that is what van dyke did. has van dyke had issues? van dyke has had eighteencomplaints on his record for infractions, including excessive force and illegal arrests. here is a picture of van dykein another incident.

that guy is charging at you, donot turn your back, you've seen what happens. he was neverformally disciplined before mcdonald's death, in fact he was still getting paid when the copsand the authorities had the video. they were sitting on it for ayear, he was doing desk duty. finally they charged him, butthat is only because the judge said they had torelease the video. there is a freedom ofinformation release act,

there is no way the governmentshould be able to hold the video and not release it. yeah, we are going tocharge him for homicide. if we did not have the video,what do you think would have happened? he lunged at them, therewas drugs in his system. they would have closed it up. pcp in his system, helunged at them, done. the lawyer decides the videois misleading, really?

tell us how. >> at first, seeing it, it isdifficult to explain. however, after watching itseveral times, and most importantly, getting theperspective of my client, that is when i came to the conclusionthat his actions were justified. the video alone, it is notenough alone to make the determination that one officer'sperspective was the same as my client's, because video, nomatter how clear it is, there are problems with video.

most important i think is thefact that video, by its nature, is two-dimensional,and it distorts images. what appears to be clear on avideo, sometimes is not always that clear. >> you need three dimensions? you need it to be invirtual reality? you know what distorts theimage? when you lie about whathappened, and don't actually release the video.

when we actually see it he says,don't believe your eyes. and cnn is basically sayingthat the officer was justified with their headline scrolling onthe bottom. don't help him out bywriting that cnn. here is a guy making apreposterous case on cnn, that you should not believe yourlying eyes, don't give him the benefit of that graphic. so what is the realissue at hand here? is this a one-time thing?

how many videos do we have toshow you guys before you realize, it is not afew bad apples. let me go to one of those badapples, and he explained that about police culture inchicago. it is a guy named jeromefinnegan. in an eighteen year career,this cop had a sixty-eight civilian complaints against him. was there ever any action taken? none.

finally they caught him, notbecause he was robbing the drug dealers, and robbing thesuspect, and doing illegal arrests, and beating thecrap out of people, no. he put a hit on anotherpolice officer, so they decided to arrest him. finnegan said, "my bosses knew what i was doing out there, andit went on and on. and this wasn't the exception tothe rule, this was the rule." let me give you some examples ofhow he got away with it.

"from 2011 two 2015,ninety-seven percent of more than 28,500 citizencomplaints resulted in no officer being punished,according to the files." ninety-seven percent. citizens, piss off, notinterested. by the way, if a complaint wasmade against a black officer, it was twice aslikely to be taken seriously. if it came from a white person,it was far more likely to be acted upon than if it camefrom a black person.

remember, they hardly ever takeany action on any of the complaints anyway. is it getting better? the chicago pd says it'sgetting better. let's go to the 2015 numbers."the data for 2015 shows that in more thanninety-nine percent of the thousands of misconductcomplaint against the chicago police officers,there's been no discipline." it got worse in 2015.

ninety-nine percent of thetime, cops are awesome. ninety-nine percent of thetime, you had it coming. i wonder why people areprotesting all over the country. and the chicago policedepartment had the temerity to put out this statement. "the force has become a positivenational and international model for preventing police misconductand investigating allegations." an international model. okay, so listen guys, it is thetraining, it is the police

culture. it is not that police arenaturally bad people, that is an absurd claim. all this talk of generalizingand stereotyping is always wrong, but when you talk aboutthe root causes of things, and you investigate how peopleare trained, and what they are taught, what they areprogrammed to believe, that is what matters. the cops are taught, never takeany risk with your life.

the guy has his back to you?who cares. wait a minute?wait twenty minutes? there was a case in 2011in britain, a guy was swinging at the cops with a macheteand almost hit them. you know what they do? they wait twenty minutes, theybump him with a garbage can, he drops the machete andthey arrest him. in chicago they wouldhave murdered him. twenty minutes?who has time?

let's go get a coffee break,shoot him and let's get on with our lives. there is never going to beaccountability, shoot them all. you will never be heldaccountable. oh shoot, this time there wasa video. we hate the video. you are an activist ifyou show the video. we pay their salary and they saywe shouldn't look at the video. cops in other parts of the worldknow that it is a dangerous

job, and sometimes they risktheir health or their well-being a little bit to makesure that they don't kill someone in cold blood. sometimes they wait more thansix seconds before emptying sixteen bullets into a guy,fourteen of which came when he was already on the ground. this is not acceptable, we havegot to fix the training. accountability. and tell them,tell them to put their hands up. disrespecting an officer is nota crime, and certainly not a

crime worth executingsomeone over. that is what happened here.

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