Edmodo Secure Social Learning Network For Teachers And

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Edmodo Secure Social Learning Network For Teachers And

today i want to talk to you about how to set up a classroom in edmodo. edmodo is a web tool that provides many benefits in the classroom. students, teachers and parents can all have separate accounts and each account has different capabilities that can contribute to the classroom. access can be done via any internet connection which can be done through a laptop in the classroom or a desktop,

Edmodo Secure Social Learning Network For Teachers And

Edmodo Secure Social Learning Network For Teachers And, or various mobile devices. students are very comfortable with edmodo because it is very similar to the social networking sites that they are already familiar with, such as facebook. it gives you a feed and allows you to connect with classmates and teachers, but it is also very limited in what students can do and you can control who they are collaborating with.

it is a collaboration tool that allows them to not only communicate but provide documents, conversations with each other. it is a good tool for both student and teacher feedback. teachers can see where students stand and maybe guide future practice and students also are very aware of what the teacher expectations are. there are some disadvantages to edmodo. it does take time to become familiar with the site itself and how to manipulate it and work it to your benefit. and of course the students would also need some type of internet capability or equipment to log on and that may be in the classroom or it may be outside of the classroom. to begin, you need to go to the edmodo website which is listed and you would want to sign up as a teacher. once you get your login and your account, then you can begin creating groups and having students join that group.

depending on the student they may already have an edmodo account that they would use or they could set up a new one but it is not necessary for them to sign up for a new student account. and then once you have that done you can begin posting items to the group. so here we’re looking at the edmodo login page and we’ve already clicked teacher sign up instead of the student or parent sign up. and the suggestion is to use an email account that a student could easily find you at because they will be able to search for you or colleagues as well. and if that is available, then edmodo will let you now with a checkmark. it is important to look at the terms of service and the privacy policy and when you agree you can click sign up. when you do you will be taken to a teacher profile page that you can use and put in your own url.

there are communities already established that you can choose from. you can choose as many as you would like. on your homepage you have a lot of different things. it looks similar to the news feed out of facebook. you can see your profile and you have the option of changing your profile on that page. you’ll also have posts that go to you or maybe they were posts to the communities you are now a part of. here we have science and computer technology. it will also give a box for notifications. so right now it says “it’s cool, nothing new.” if something changes then there will be notifications in that box. to the left you have your groups. you can join more or create. then down at the bottom you can browse for other communities in addition to the ones you have already signed up for.

you can also post and you can see that it can go specifically to a group, a student, or a teacher. so i can communicate specifically with people or i can post it generally. so by posting to mrs. kelly sparks then i know that that post will go directly to her and not the general public. whatever note i write, so here progress reports will be sent home monday, i can schedule that for a future day or a future time, whatever i choose, and then the post will be set for then. i can also choose to just go ahead and send now or post immediately. and then it will show up in their feed. to my posts i can also attach a link. it may be that it’s an embedded link or just a url. and when i type the url in it will search for the title of the page and then you can attach. so when that post goes up, then somebody will be able to click on that link.

i can also choose something from the library that i previously uploaded. so here is what a post looks like. you can look at the history, how many people have looked at it. and then you can click and it will take you to that url outside of the edmodo account. when you get your login, you want to begin by creating a group and with the group you can choose the grade level associated with it. it can be from k-12 or 9-12 or higher education or it may be a specific grade. maybe you only teach 3rd grade. and then you can also choose a subject area which may be all or it may be specifically science or language arts. when you go under the advanced options for creating a group, then you can choose to default all new members to a read-only status. when you do that, they will not be able to post until you give them posting rights.

one of the advantages to this is that when you are teaching students about netiquette, you can control whether or not they are going to be able to post or you can take that posting right away as a warning or learning tool. of course, to be a collaborative environment you do want to take it away from them indefinitely. you may choose to moderate all the posts and replies that come through and you approve beforehand. so now we are going to look at the student sign in. when you create your group, the student will get a group code and they’ll type that in and it will show them whether or not that is a valid code. they can type in a username that they want. if it is taken, then edmodo will let them know and they can try again. they will also need to have a password. the email is optional in this case, but they should include their first and last names. in addition at the bottom you will see that it says that you and your parents agree to the terms of service and privacy policy.

once a student logs in, this is the screen that they will see. it shows them the groups that they have. they’ll be able to edit information about themselves as well. here is an example of an actual student page i had this past semester. you can see the parent code, notifications, and posts that have been made. in the notifications it shows them an expectation for homework. when it is time to add content to the webpage, i can do so by attaching links, files, or uploading something from the library. we’ve already looked that it’s just a matter of copying and pasting the url in the link and most of the time it will provide a title, but i also have the option of changing that title to something the students may be more familiar with. and when once i click send, it is available for them.

it is possible though that i don’t want students just having free roam or access to the internet, so i might want to use an embed code instead. the advantage to an embed code is that it will bring up the webpage directly in the site so the student still has access without being sent all over the internet. i can also attach a note to the post as to what it is i want the student to do. another advantage to the sending option is that i can send it to the entire group or i can also maybe send it to another teacher or individual student as a reminder of what needs to be done. here you can see when you click on that link it brings up the website within the edmodo site. in addition, edmodo also will enable me to create quizzes or load previous quizzes. i can poll students and with the poll students can see each other’s responses.

with all of them, i am able to schedule it for now or for some time in the future. i can do that with the assignment tab as well. edmodo allows students to reply to individual posts. they can also tag a post with a key word for an assignment. maybe in this case it was final and they can go back and they can search for that tag sometime in the future. a security point is that i am able to lock a group if somebody gets a hold of the code and unlock it for future reference. i hope this video helps you to understand the basics of edmodo. there are so many overall benefits that it is really worth looking into incorporating into any type of classroom.

At the end this articel Edmodo Secure Social Learning Network For Teachers And

happy ending articleEdmodo Secure Social Learning Network For Teachers And at this time, hope can give good information for every one who visit to my blog. See You in another my Post

Now you have reading Edmodo Secure Social Learning Network For Teachers And with link addresshttps://networkrealtionforbussiness.blogspot.com/2017/05/edmodo-secure-social-learning-network.html

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