Edmodo Secure Social Learning Network For Teachers And Students

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Edmodo Secure Social Learning Network For Teachers And Students

"everybody in this country should learn how to program a computer... because it teachers you how to think." >> bill: created microsofti was 13 when i first got access to a computer. >> jack: created twittermy parents bought me a macintosh in 1984 when i was eight years old. i was in sixth grade

Edmodo Secure Social Learning Network For Teachers And Students

Edmodo Secure Social Learning Network For Teachers And Students, i learned to code in college. >> ruchi: first female engineer at facebook. freshman year first semester, intro to computer science. i wrote a program that played tic-tac-toe. >> drew: created dropboxi think it was pretty humble beginnings. i think the first program i wrote asked

things like, what's your favorite color? or, how old are you? >> elena: created clothia.comi first learned how make a green circle and a red square appear on the screen. >> gabe: created valvethe first time i actually had something come up and say "hello world", and i made a computer do that, it was just astonishing. >> mark: created facebooklearning how to program didn't start off as wanting to learn all of computer science or trying to master this discipline or anything like that.

it just started off because i wanted to do this one simple thing. i want to make something that was fun for myself and and my sisters. i wrote this little program then basically just add a little bit to it. then when i needed to learn something new i looked it up either in a book or on the internet and then added a little bit to it. it's really not unlike kind of playing an instrument or something

or playing a sport. it starts out being very intimidating, but you kind of get the hang of it over time. >> chris: nba all-star, coded in collegecoding is something that can be learned and... i know it can be intimidating... a lot of things are intimidating, but... you know, what isn't? >> makinde: early facebook engineera lot of the coding that people do is actually fairly simple. it's more about the process of breaking down problems

than coming up with complicated algorithms as people traditionally think about it. >> vanessa: created girl develop ityou don't have to be a genius to know how to code. you need to be determined. addition, subtraction...that's about about it. >> tony: ceo @ zapposyou should probably know your multiplication tables. >> bronwen: technical artist at valveyou don't have to be a genius to code. do you have to be a genius to read? even if you want to become a race car driver or play baseball or... you know build a house... all of these things have been turned upside down by software.

what is it, is you know, computers are everywhere. you want to work in agriculture? do you want to work in entertainment? do you want to work in manufacturing? it's just all over. here we are, 2013 >> will.i.am: created the black eyed peas, now taking coding classeswe all depend on technology to communicate, to bank... ...information... and none of us know how to read and write code. when i was in school i was in the this after school group called the whiz kids

and when people found out they laughed at me and you know, all these things and i'm like "man i don't care! i think it's cool and i'm learning a lot and some of my friends have jobs!" our policy is literally to hire as many talented engineers as we can find. the whole limit in the system is that there just aren't enough people who are trained and have these skills today. to get the very best people we try to make the office as awesome as possible. we have a fantastic chef.

free food breakfast, lunch and dinner. free laundry snacks even places to play video games and scooters there's always kinds of interesting things around the office where people can play, or relax, or go to think, or play music or be creative.

>>hadi: created code.orgwhether you're trying to make a lot of money or whether you just want to change the world, computer programming is an incredibly empowering skill to learn. i think if someone had told me that software is really about humanity, that it's really about helping people by using computer technology it would have changed my outlook a lot earlier. to be able to actually come up with an idea and then see it in your hands and then be able to press a button and have it be in millions of people hands, i mean, i think we're the first generation in the world that's really ever had that kind of experience.

just to think that you can start something in your college dorm room and you can have a set of people who haven't built a big company before come together and build something that a billion people use as part of their daily lives... it's crazy to think about, right? it's really, it's humbling and it's amazing. the programmers of tomorrow are the wizards of the future. you know, you're going look like you have magic powerscompared to everybody else. it's amazing. it's, it's the closest thing we have to a super power. great coders are today's rock stars. that's it! 1 million of the best jobs in america may go unfilled...

...because only 1 in 4 schools teach students how to code. whether you want to be a doctor or a rockstar, ask about a coding class at your school or learn online at code.org share this film and visit code.org.

At the end this articel Edmodo Secure Social Learning Network For Teachers And Students

happy ending articleEdmodo Secure Social Learning Network For Teachers And Students at this time, hope can give good information for every one who visit to my blog. See You in another my Post

Now you have reading Edmodo Secure Social Learning Network For Teachers And Students with link addresshttps://networkrealtionforbussiness.blogspot.com/2017/05/edmodo-secure-social-learning-network_17.html

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