How To Map A Network Drive Windows 7

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How To Map A Network Drive Windows 7

welcome back to it free training windows 7free training course. in this video i will be looking at installing windows 7 using thenetwork. when you are installing windows 7 to a hand full of computers you are best offusing the dvd. if however if you have a large number of computers you may want to considerinstalling from the network. there are many advantages to using a networkbased install over the dvd. firstly it is

How To Map A Network Drive Windows 7

How To Map A Network Drive Windows 7, easier to customize then a network install.if you want to add a service pack, drivers or change a setting you can change the mediadirectly. making changes to the dvd means burning a new dvd each time a change is made.networked based installs scale better then installing from other media types. if youinstall off a dvd or a usb thumb drive, you

need to take the media to the computer youwant to install to. also if you want to perform multiple installs you need multiple copiesof the dvd or multiple usb flash drives. in order to perform a network install youcan perform one in two ways. the first is via a network share. to do this, you wouldboot from a windows pe boot disk. windows pe is a cd based boot disk that replaces theold floppy boot disks. the advantage of this method is that you can create many windowsp e boot disks which will not require updating too often. if you want to make changes tothe install media you simply change the data on the network share.the advantage of using a network share is that the only infrastructure that you requireis a network share. you can use the network

share method on any computer that you canboot windows pe off to launch the setup. you can perform multiple installs at once fromthe same network share, however you won't have any multicasting support. multicastingallows the same packet of data to be sent on the network to many different computers.if you want to be able to use multicast, you will need to use a system like windows deploymentservices otherwise known as wds. wds is designed for networks where you have a lot of computersto perform installs on. because it is aimed more at enterprise networks, it requires amore infrastructure then the other install use wds you require a domain controller, dhcp and dns. the advantage of wds is thatit supports network booting so you don't require

an optic drive to perform the install. lastlyyou need a network card that supports pxe. pxe allow your computer to boot off the network.pxe has been around for a long time so it is very likely your network card will supportit. on some systems, you may need to enable network booting in the bios before you canuse it. now that we understand the two methods thatyou can use to install windows 7 over the network, i will switch to my windows 7 computerto perform a network install. first of all i will look at installing windowsfrom a network share. to do this, i first need a windows pe disk to boot my create a new windows pe disk, i need to install the windows automated installationkit. this is available for download from the

microsoft web site.i have already download the tool kit and burn it to a dvd. once i insert the dvd i can runthe setup program. the install is quiet a simple one. select windows aik setup. acceptthe license and the install directory and the software will be installed. the installtakes around 5 to 10 minutes but i have sped up the process so we don't have to wait.once installed, i need to run the deployment tools command prompt from the start menu.the difference between this command prompt and a regular command prompt is that certainvariables are set up so that i don't have know where the program are located in orderto run them. the first command i need to run is copype.cmd. this will copy the necessary files for

windows pe to a directory of my this case i will a 32 bit version of windows pe. there are not too many files to copy sothe process does not take too long. once complete, if i list the directory youcan see that a folder called iso has been created. if i change into this directory ican now list all the files that will be on the window p e disc. if i want to add additionalfiles it is a simple matter of adding them. for example, if i wanted to add imagex whichis used to deploy a customized windows 7 image, i can copy it to the directory like this.i will cover imagex later on in the course so don't worry if you don't understand whatit does at this point. if i now go back a directory i am ready tocreate my image. if i create a iso image now

it will not work. there seems to be a bugin the windows 7 aik. to get around this, i need to copy the file winpe.wim to the isoslash sources directory with the file name boot dot w i that this is done, i am ready to create my image. to do this, i use the command oscdimg.the command has a number of options. the minus n option allows long file names. since weare creating a bootable cd you also need the minus b option. the minus b option specificsa file containing the boot sector needed by bootable cd's. lucky for us microsoft providesus one. once i have put in the correct options, alli need to do is enter in the directory containing the source files which will be the iso directoryand a target file. once complete, windows

will start creating an iso image for you.the process does not take too long to complete. once done you are free to use any burningsoftware to write the image to a disk. now the iso has been created, i am going toreboot the computer and boot off a windows pe disk that i created earlier. you will noticethat the boot process is the same as when i installed a fresh copy of windows 7 usingeither the dvd or usb thumb drive. once windows pe has booted i will get a useablecommand prompt. from here i can run the command net use to map a drive to a file server containingthe install media. in this case i simply inserted the dvd into a server and shared it. howeverif you wanted to make changes to the media it is a simply matter to copy the contentsof the dvd to a directory on your server and

share the the drive has been mapped i can run the setup program. the setup will run exactlythe same way as if i had install it from the dvd. i won't bother going through the setupprocess as it is essentially the same as the video i did previously. what i will do however,is reboot the computer and demonstrate installing windows 7 using windows deployment services.on this network i have a wds server set up. to access wds, i will switch to my windows7 computer and start it up. on this particular computer i have the option to press f12 toboot from the network. on your computer the key may be different. if you computer hasan integrated network card, you may need to enable network booting inside the will see the computer gets and ip address

from the network. it will then prompt youto press f12. pressing f 12 will cause the computer to download windows pe from the network.the following screens look the same as the other setup methods because whether usingthe dvd, usb thumb drive, network or wds, windows pe is still loaded to run the setup.once loaded, the setup menus look a little different but are essentially the same. oncei have chosen the language i want to use and then chosen the country and keyboard, i willthen be prompted for a user account with access to the domain. this is ensures the personperforming the install has permission. on the next screen you can choose which operatingsystem you want to install. i have already added windows server 2008 r2 and windows 7to wds. this is one of biggest advantages

of wds is that you can use it to deploy morethan one operating system. once i select the operating system i will be taken to the familiardisk management screen of the setup. once i select a drive windows will start far i have covered how to perform a clean install of windows 7 and how to upgrade towindows 7. however in some cases you not need to install a new copy of windows 7. for exampleif you purchase a new laptop. this brings us to the topic of our next video, migratingto windows 7.

At the end this articel How To Map A Network Drive Windows 7

happy ending articleHow To Map A Network Drive Windows 7 at this time, hope can give good information for every one who visit to my blog. See You in another my Post

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