Is Empower Network A Scam

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Is Empower Network A Scam

what's going on with empower network? well,i'm glad to you are here and i'm just going to share my little two cents on it. beingreal, it launched in october 31st of 2011. i knew about it because i was in the companymy lead systems pro , which is in attraction marketing company and i was there buildingand i chose at that time not to anticipate in empower network because i personally hadissues with the co-founder. i'm going to keep

Is Empower Network A Scam

Is Empower Network A Scam, it real. we had words on something and i tookit the wrong way. i played the juvenile and is part and i said i'm not going over thereand they went on to become multi-multimillionaires and i went on to make some money, alright.they slept well. nonetheless, i actually took a look at it again within the last coupleweeks and it just made sense to me. it is

in attraction marketing company in my opinionon steroids. what products to the market? the market training.they market their own training from the upscale leaders with the top leaders in the company.they market their products to the new people coming in. and why would they market theirproducts? because they are successful! they came in through the ranks, david sharp anddavid wood, they are the co-founders and then you have some leaders, i'm going to name acouple of them nicole cooper and tracy walker, it's products that they have that the companymarkets to their new people coming in that shows you how to market on the internet. oneof the biggest things that they have there is the blog platform. the blog platform ispretty huge. what that does; you get a blog

when you come in which is 25.00 to get get a blog. once you get your blog it is name butyou get to blog daily on the secrets of winning on the internet. one of the secrets is bloggingoften with good content. once google recognizes you have good contentthen they will place you; that's how you rank. you can go higher and higher but there issomething called search engine optimization (seo) but i'm not going to get into that,that's a lot but this blogging platform is kind of cool because it links all the blogstogether. it ties it in and with everybody blogging daily, but you should do it daily,it links it all together. bringing them together that gives them a lot of power in google'seyes and empower network is pretty strong

so depending on your topic, you can probablyrank or get closer to the front page. so that's 25.00 per month for your blogging some people say, well i can get a blog for free! yeah, but how are you going to gettraffic to your blog? how are you going to get the seo part; google search engine optimization(seo)? and you will understand what i'm talking about.then they have a 19.95 fee for processing the money for using the credit card machinewith the fees and things of that nature. that i was a little suspect on. why do i have topay to get my own money but some things you are going to have to get in business thatis going to suck you up. some things you are just going to have to do. i take $20.00 tooutback steakhouse and blow that really quickly

but if i can use $20.00 per month to helpbuild my business or make me some more money then why not? most people look at that asan issue and then you have to look at that as not an issue. you have to look at it ashelping build your business. if you had your own processing company and had your own creditcard machines you would have to pay fees. you would have to pay fees anyway, so it iswhat it is. next, there are like different levels in there.unlike other companies where you build a team and you get promoted based on your team, itis not like that in empower network. in empower network you actually pay to go to your nextlevel. so you can be at a $25 level, then pay to go to the $100 level, then pay to goto the next step and the next step. now what

happens is this, the higher you pay or ifyou get what they call "all in", now if a person comes in your group and you recruitthat person on your team to do what you are doing, if they go "all in" you get what theycall "100% commission". now let's keep it real here, it's not truly 100% commission.let's say someone is paying the company $25 per month for their blog because they camein under you, you are actually going to get $20.13 because there are going to be fees,processing and some other stuff, so it is not truly 100% but you'll get about 80-85%so if someone comes on your team and they are doing $100 per month then you will get$100 plus the $25, so your commission will probably be somewhere maybe $85 plus $20.i'll say about$115. math isn't my strong point

but i know numbers when they come into mybank account. it is entirely up to you if it makes senseor not. a lot of people say, "oh, that's one of those real pyramids or it's like a cashgifting. i'm like dude. it's a business online." you get a 1099 at the end of the year. youare going to pay the irs. the only thing is they don't have the typical products thatnetwork marketing companies have. as a matter of fact, david wood said from his own mouth,"this is not a network marketing company, it is an affiliate marketing company whereyou learn to brand yourself from all the training that they have."now a lot of people have issues with david wood and david sharp being in everything fromyour blog to your autoresponders but you know

what, i feel this way. god made millions,you knows what he is doing. if i can just push something and get traffic to it and heis going to talk and do the selling and i can get paid for it? why not! that just makessense. that's like going to work, someone who works with you has been doing big in thecompany and then the boss tells you this person is going to be the front for the company andyou go home the rest of the day but you will still get your check on friday. you wouldagree to that right? i know. i would too. that's basically what is happening right here.if you want to know more about empower network, just go down below, hit the link that is there,get the information, put your email address in and then it is actually going to get youinto your video from mr. david sharp. he is

actually one of the co-founders of the companyand then you can judge for yourself. i mean $25.00. the last time you blew thatwas when? probably before you saw this video, probably sitting eating some fast food ortook the family out. what if that same $25 or $45 per month can change it for you andyour family? i don't know. i mean i'm just here telling my two cents on how i feel aboutthis from the front to the back. i mean, was i excited about it initially? no, becausei was holding a personal grudge against one of the co-founders. that was on me, but afterone of my good friends talked to me about it, i took a look at it and it did make sense.i put whatever my issues were aside so my kids could eat and you never know whoeveris looking at this i am probably here to help

you. i'm assigned to help you in this deal.with that, be blessed, stay encouraged, and i look forward to hearing from you.go to the bottom right now and subscribe to my page. subscribe to my youtube so we cankeep in contact. alright? talk to you later. get to that video and who knows i will probablybe giving you a call. talk to you soon. later.

At the end this articel Is Empower Network A Scam

happy ending articleIs Empower Network A Scam at this time, hope can give good information for every one who visit to my blog. See You in another my Post

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