What Network Is Dr. Phil On

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What Network Is Dr. Phil On

dr phil: i'm glad you're here talking about it, because so often people feel ashamed, right? i mean, you'reconfused and you're ashamed about depression and mistakenly believe that, 'look, i've just gotta gut it up here, i've gotta overcome it using willpoweralone.

What Network Is Dr. Phil On

What Network Is Dr. Phil On, dr freda: it is so true, the stigma around depression is so great. there are so many treatment options thatare available. there are many medications that areavailable -- different types -- there is psychotherapy that is available --

there are many forms of that. and youmentioned one, which is a brain stimulating therapy, electroconvulsive therapy, or ect. these things can being used by themselves or in combination, and it sounds as though you've done what many people must do, and that is go through a number of these therapies,alone or in combination, to find just the right one for you. dr phil: you ... would you say, in your general course ofthings, you're doing better or you're doing worse than you were,

say, two years ago? noel: i've definitely come a long way. you know, i've gone from around 17 medications down to about four, which is great progress. dr phil: we often think -- sometimes, people think -- depressed people, like i said, are just lazy just like, 'look, get over it. you know, just come on, quit whining. get over it.' but depression is a realdisorder with very real consequences. dr freda: depressive illnesses are brain disorders and now, luckily, with advances in brain imaging and othertechnologies,

really have a chance to see that what happens in people with depressionare changes in their brains. dr phil: let me show you, cause, don, i want you to really think about this. if you guys were out hiking and shebroke her leg, you wouldn't just leave her behind. don: no, never. dr phil: say, 'well, you can't walk, bye.' you wouldn't do that, and when you thinkabout the brain, you've got depression, you've gotta think about it the same way. you can't see it just looking at her, but if you look at the normal brain

versus the depressed brain, they're verydifferent. in the normal brain, you know, this frontal lobe area here is where you have kind of a higher orderthinking and reasoning and processing. and you can see how different it is in the depressed brain. and then, you've got the temporal lobeshere, and this is where you have emotions are centered inhere and some of the aspects that have to do

with your feeling. and you and you cansee over here, concomitantly, is in a depressed brain, it's much darker. and then. this is thalamus in the middle ofthe brain, and you see over here, again, it's shut down. so, it's kinda like you talk about depression -- you don't feelthe lightness, you don't feel the energy, you don't feel the activity. that's what you'd see if there was abroken leg and you look at an x-ray. we now have that ability to do the samething with the brain.

dr freda: i do wanna say, though, that we've got a ways to go with this. as exciting as these advances are, these brain imagingtechnologies can't do a couple of things. first of all, they can't tell us whydepression occurs. and second, is that they're not typicallyused yet to diagnose depression or to help guidetreatment. dr phil: so, how do you distinguish just regular sadness from depression? talk about that at a little bit. dr freda: you know, that is so important, because somepeople say, 'you, know, i should be sad, right? and it's ok, butthere's some really important

diagnostic criteria -- things that yourdoctor would use, signs and symptoms that you would sharewith them that would help differentiate from, from the normal sadness from a majordepression. what needs to happen is you wouldhave five of these or more that would occur for a two-week period or more, in orderfor the depression diagnosis. so, the first one is feelingsad or empty or tearful most of the day,

every day. so, this is a profound sadness.the second is loss of interest in things that used to bring you pleasure. being outside, doing things don't bringpleasure anymore. a significant change in appetite, and that can either be up or down -- and usually has some weightloss that goes along with it, or weight gain if your appetite's up. the other thing is trouble sleeping. somepeople have trouble sleeping, others sleep far too much -- like all day,can't get themselves up and moving. fatigue and lack of energyis also

really an important key. and feelings ofhopelessness, helplessness, worthlessness, guilt -- those things plagueyou during the day. reduced ability toconcentrate, to think, to make decisions -- just, you know, can't quite focus. and agitation, restlessness orirritability, these things also occur. and last, butabsolutely not least, are recurrent thoughts -- these thoughtsthat won't go away around death and suicide. dr phil: and if you see, on the graphic, that we have up here, we've checked off all but one for you.

your weight's been pretty stable. noel: yeah, thank goodness. dr phil: yeah. but other than that, we've checkedalmost every one off for those, which means you're dealing with a majordepressive episode. but that doesn't mean that it tellsthe whole story. listen, everybody we have on here is, in a away, a teaching tool, and i hopethis has given you guys some insight, at home and in the audience today. if you suspect a loved one is battling depression, the mostimportant thing you can do

is help they'll get the diagnosis andtreatment. don't just feel like, 'come on, i've gottabe tough.' you offer emotional support and understanding. never ignore comments about suicide. this old adage that people that talk about it don't do it isnot true. that is a myth, do not believe that. and ifyou are depressed and suicidal call the 24-hour national suicide prevention lifeline at 1800 273 talk. that's 1 800

273 8255. dr freda: and this is so true. there's so much help that is available, and the good news for you, noel, andfor others who suffer from depression is that there are many options that are available. and i have to applaudyou for raising your hand, asking for help,inspiring others to do that, and also forsticking with it and really working hard, both of you,to get your depression treated so that you can feel better.

lots of information to know aboutdepression and, for more information, you can go to get healthy stay healthydot com. there's information there on bothdepression and other illnesses.

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Now you have reading What Network Is Dr. Phil On with link addresshttps://networkrealtionforbussiness.blogspot.com/2017/06/what-network-is-dr-phil-on.html

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