What Network Is Dr Phil On

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What Network Is Dr Phil On

look what just happened to major show hostafter exposing d.c.’s sick pedophile ring it was not that long ago that wikileaks droppedthe podesta emails that depicted pedophilia in our very own government. of course, the mainstream media has done its best to sweepthis disgusting crime under the rug.

What Network Is Dr Phil On

What Network Is Dr Phil On, however, there are those out there who determinedto root out these perverts. president trump is one of those people, whoannounced that he would investigate the elite pedophile scandal, and another is dr.

phil. dr. phil recently interviewed a former sexslave by the name of “kendall” and pushed the topic of elite pedophilia into the mainstream. the account that “kendall” told millions ofpeople was truly horrific, but dr. phil paid a price for telling the truth. one day after this heinous report aired, adutch media company pulled the plug on the dr. phil show ending their 15-year partnership. timing of this happening could not be moresuspicious considering the topic that was

discussed. also, what needs to be considered is the netherlandshistory with pedophilia. in 2013, a dutch court ruled that an abhorrentorganization that promotes the legalization of sex between adultsand children has the right to continue to promote it. then the organization’s founder, marthijnuitenboogaard, went on record, saying that society is too overprotective of children. “a child can see a lot of violence on television,on every cartoon, there’s violence, on movies people get killed,” he explains, “butwhen

janet jackson’s breast is shown at the superbowl people say: ‘oh children are watching this.’ nakedness and everything concerning sexualityis a taboo and violence is the norm. and i think that should be the other way around.” he further believes “almost everyone haspedophile feelings in them. only the percentage is different, some havemore than others.” besides that commentary, there have been manyhigh ranking politicians in the dutch government

exposed as pedophiles. also, recent reports show that worldwide child trafficking is on therise according to recent statistics from (unodc) united nations office on drugs and crime. it is entirely possible that the dutch televisionstation desired different programming which is why they canceled the show. however, is it also possible that this was retaliation forreporting on rampant pedophilia rings around the world?

or this could be just another example of howfar these sick individuals will go to keep their depraved secret hidden. h/t [ the free thought project, infowars ] melania viciously attacked after photoshootbut look who threw the knockout punch! melania trump left a photoshoot looking flawlessas usual as the pictures were for a very special occasion that apparently, not everyone wasin approval of. those on the fringe who hate her for anythingand everything are the most violent, as was proven after her photo session was

finished and she was viciously attacked whenthe last person she expected swooped in out of nowhere and delivered the knockout punch. since taking on the role as first lady, melaniahas faced an unfair uphill battle against her from liberals — including relentlesscitizens who refuse to accept her and designers who won’tdress her. somehow, it’s a bigger honor to dress michelleobama than our current classy first lady, because droves of disgusting designerscame out publicly to slander melania, saying she would be an embarrassment to their designs(which definitely didn’t do any favors in flatteringmichelle).

in her most recent photoshoot for her officialwhite house portrait, melania looked stunning in a beautiful dolce & gabbana black suitand scarf. the high-end designer was privileged to bepicked to be part of this photo that will go down in history, but not everyone saw itthe same way. both the first lady and the brand were attackedfor what she looked like in the flawless photo, by people so filled with hate that they can’t appreciate true beauty.

melania was picked apart for allegedly appearingoverly airbrushed and supposedly not nearly as classy as her predecessor did in her official photo. the designer received heaps of backlash forgoing against his industry standard of despising for the trumps and not boycotting the presidentialpair. rather than acting a coward and caving tohis peers and detractors, stefano gabbana just became the most beloved designer amongconservatives with his blunt response when he told his criticsto “go to hell,” breitbart reported.

“in a post to his instagram account, the54-year-old italian designer proudly displayed the first lady’s official portrait — releasedby the white house on monday — which featured trumpwearing a d&g blazer,” the news site reported. this move made him a target of attack, forwhich he responded with the knockout punch to the tiredargument over melania. “so you have lost a follower, and worst,an admirer,” instagram user, @_boyafraid_ commented on the designer’s post. “[i] don’t care!! really,”

gabbana replied, followed with “vai a cagare,”or “go to hell” in italian. gabanna is among the few respectable designersclassy enough who have announced that they would love to dress melania — tommy hilfigerand diane von furstenburg others — but tookit a step further by coming to her defense in the drop of a hat. these three will enjoy the pride of their work being on an incredible woman whilethe others can watch their stock plummet and see their labels sold at discount stores astheir names fade into obscurity, or be reduce tohaving to dress a hag like hillary clinton.

black freak beats white couple to edge ofdeath with hammer, gets away with it for sick reason thanks to obama and his 8 years of drummingup a race war in america, racial tensions in our country are at an all-time high. we constantly see obama’s thugs carrying out savage attackson whitey, as his hateful thugs’ misguided rage continues to make headlines across america. now a massachusetts husband and wife have been leftcompletely traumatized after what a feral

black woman armed with a hammer did to themat a gas station in new jersey. bob and cathy explained to fox 25 news thatthey had stopped to get gas on the way home from a boating vacation in florida, pullingup to a pump at the carmel church exxon with theirporsche and boat in tow. however they were never be prepared for thehorrifying incident that was about to go down. while bob was in the process of fueling uphis car, a 26-year-old black woman spotted him, and began screaming racial

epithets in his direction. but it didn’t stop there. enraged over witnessing “fancy white people”at the gas station, the woman then exited her vehicle from several pumps over armed witha hammer, where she then made a beeline straight for bob’s face. the husband explained what happened next, which is nothing short of shocking. “i hear this lady, 2 pump islands over yellingsomething about a message,” bob recalled.

“i’m like i don’t know who she’s talkingto … she gets in my face and says, ‘you got a messagefor me with your fancy boat?’ her hand came up, my glasses go flying, shewas starting to scratch the hell out of my face. she starts punching me, scratching at me. she called my wife a white *expletive* andspit in her face.” kathy saw the ruckus going on from insidethe store, exiting to see her husband being viciously attacked with blood pouring downhis face. that’s when the crazed black woman thenwent rage-mode on kathy too, spitting in her

face: “she ran over to me. she looked at me and said, ‘i’m tiredof you white ‘expletive.’’” during the attack, wtvr.com reported thatthe assailant, identified as angela m. jones, was screaming that she was “sick of fancywhite people.” bob said that before his face was clawed upby the rabid woman, that she began pummeling his porsche and boat with the hammer. “she said, ‘i’ve got something in mycar that i can put a hole in your boat,’

bob continued. “i thought it was a gun, but thank god itwasn’t; it was a carpenter hammer.” sheriff tony lippa of caroline county, virginia,responded to the incident, saying that, “she clawed him. he took her to the ground to prevent her from doing any more damage.” lippa added, “a couple people came overand he lets her up and when he lets her up she starts to attack him

again.” as of now, the feral thug remains at large. bob is still extremely shaken up over theincident, concluding, “whatever she saw in us, she decided to teach me a lesson, i guess.” looks like the fruits of obama’s labor havefinally blossomed. he must be so proud of his accomplishmentsas president. h/t [daily wire] air force generals drop devastating news aboutwhat obama destroyed of theirs over the last

8 years the year was 2014 and not even 75% of theair force helicopters and airplanes were unable to be used in a mission if needed. they were not deployable for action and there doesn’tseem to have been much interest in reviving the aircraft for anything useful. if you wanted an air force that had less than 3/4 of their fleetavailable for missions, war, rescues, etc – then this was it.

more than 25% of these aircraft would’ve been better suited for sittingin a museum. was there any interest from the obama administrationto repair and get them back in the air? i can’t recall. can you? some of the aircraft were aging and probably had older technology thanyour grandmothers 87 chevy celebrity, but that’s not the point. those aircraft could’ve probably

been upgraded or replaced. old falling apart machines should always bewell oiled and taken care of, especially if they’re part of the usa military. mission-capable rates for air force helicoptersand airplanes were at nearly 74 percent in 2014. in 2015, the rate dropped to 73 percent, and in 2016 the rate dropped to 72 percent. “our highest investment priority is in improvingreadiness,” acting air force secretary lisa

disbrow said march 3 at the air force association’s air warfare symposium in orlando,florida. “the aircraft we have on the ramp are tooold. we need to revitalize the fleet.” the declining aircraft readiness rate canalso be attributed to a shortage of experienced maintenance airmen to fix aircraft, althoughthe air force wants to make its goal to eliminatethat shortfall by the end of 2019. why did the air force have a shortage of maintenanceairmen? was there no funding for the defense of ourcountry and keeping our military

vehicles and weaponry in top notch condition? if i recall correctly, obama’s administrationwasn’t exactly the most vocal force in terms of military strength and keeping the countryready for any situation possible. i believe our air force, even if they reach75% readiness, is still a massive power to be reckoned with. however, you should always want your military forces at 100% strength. our 75% might be stronger than most people’s100%, but i would still prefer to be in full

beast mode if our air force is ever needed. it’s a shame that the former president obamawasn’t really interested in the military. if he took care of that, then we wouldn’thave to worry about it as much now. ivanka sees what sick reporter snuck in interviewand has brutal response to her caught on camera ivanka trump and husband jared kushner havebeen hounded relentlessly since agreeing to work for the president as his advisors. they’ve been

criticized as underqualified, over privilegedand pretty much every other insult that can be hurled at a person without them actuallydoing anything wrong. the liberals worked hard to try and keep thepair from working in the west wing of the white house. since president trump did what he always does, which is whatever he wants, the newand improved plan seems to be to try and turn ivanka against her father. surely someone that

beautiful and well dressed is also dumb, right? this interview with cbs puts that myth torest in a big way. there have been a lot of insults flying around,but the interviewer is likely referring to this snl skit that went more than a littletoo far: while ivanka is too classy to call out herquestioner for this kind of baiting, it’s obvious someone wants to see ivanka dish ongood old dad. unfortunately for them, she actually doeshave her own mind, and phrasing a question a dozen different ways, or trying to use triggerwords doesn’t work on her.

there’s that free thinking popping up tobite the media again. leave it to ivanka to just own it and saythat she is complicit. complicite with everything her father doesbecause he’s doing good things. she hopes she’s a part of it, but knows it’snot all about her. what he’s doing to the white house? he’s doing the job of a president, not de-floweringit. clinton already did plenty of defloweringwhile he was there, trump is just trying to fix themistakes that have been made in recent years

by democrats. everyone might have to back down and realizethat president trump isn’t such a horrible person and that his kids might actually like,and agree with him. conservatives everywhere apologize for burstingyour perfect little view of them as spoiled rich brats, but apparently, they’re pretty well-adjusted adults. i know, heaven forbid that one of the beautifulpeople agree with conservative policies, but apparently, this one

grew up too wealthy to drink kool-aid.

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